
The Nine Types of Text Messaging Monsters

Brian Moylan · 04/27/10 03:28PM

Text messaging is one of the greatest advances in communication since, well, the telephone and email. That said, it's still a fledgling medium and some people need to learn how to use it without being a total jackass.

Convince Yourself To Buy — Or Ignore — the iPad

Ryan Tate · 04/03/10 01:13PM

If all the noise around today's iPad debut leaves you baffled, fear not: We've oscillated between giddy excitement and jaded cynicism ourselves, and can offer this handy list of reasons to embrace — or diss — the Apple tablet computer.

Turn Your iPad Into a Futuristic News Portal

Ryan Tate · 04/02/10 12:49PM

Magazines that spring to life with video. Gorgeous, instantly-updated newspapers. Custom-tailored broadcasts. The iPad could revolutionize news along these lines, which helps explain why it makes people so giddy. The new era begins with these nine news apps.

Please Stop Saying These Words!

Brian Moylan · 02/25/10 04:26PM

While we're fine with people using the word "retard" liberally, there are some words, phrases, and linguistic constructions that are so tired and lazy they need to be ended. Here are a few things that drive us mad.

A Few Simple Rules for NYC's New Taxi-Share Program

Brian Moylan · 02/22/10 03:52PM

The TLC is introducing some newfangled way to share taxi cabs during rush hour. Clearly, we're going to have to come up with some sort of social contract to make these cheap rides bearable. Here is a good start.

A Contract for the Gay Guy/Straight Girl Friendship

Brian Moylan · 01/27/10 02:17PM

Thanks to make-over shows and reality television, every girl in America thinks that they need "a gay." Sorry, ladies, but gay men have no interest in being your pink, glittery accessory. In fact, there are some rules for these relationships.

The Rules for Calling In Sick

Brian Moylan · 01/25/10 01:49PM

Today is disgusting. When I woke up in my warm bed this morning I thought, "I am definitely calling in sick." But here I am. Why? Because it would violate the rules for getting away with this sort of thing.