
One More Thing: Who is Your 90s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 05:57PM

With all the attention we pay to the 70s and 80s in these end-o'-the-day posts, we can forget that the recent past has much worth remembering. Like the hottest hotties of the 1990s, for example. And there were a lot of them! Who's your fave? I offer two of them in one dreamy clip after the jump. As always, alluring humans of all genders are welcome.

One More Thing: Greatest Non-Humans in Movies and TV

ian spiegelman · 07/20/08 06:12PM

Film and television are not just mediums where mere human beings get to show off! They're also for the animals and aliens and all sorts of strange beings who make our lives that much more livable. So who are your favorite furry, or slimy, or scaly, or just plain not-human stars of the big and little screens? Share! My selection-I'm still in a monkey sort of mood-after the jump.

One More Thing: Music in Movies and TV

ian spiegelman · 07/19/08 07:21PM

As any of my close friends will attest, I don't know a damned thing about music. But I do know when I like it, and I especially like it when it's used to wonderful effect in cinema or television. So what's your favorite example(s) of such use? As usual, the rules are loose and fast. It can be a bone fide musical number, or a scene that simply uses music especially well (Is that a "score"? I have no idea about this stuff.) Anyway, here's my first entry. Add yours!

One More Thing: Greatest Films of the 90s

ian spiegelman · 07/13/08 06:15PM

Sure, our end-of-the-day video-fests are usually about the 70s and 80s, but the 90s were pretty long ago. And, the fact is, it was a fairly rocking decade for the cinema. So let's celebrate it! I'll get us started with an instant classic.

One More Thing: The Greatest Gays of Film and TV

ian spiegelman · 06/29/08 05:13PM

In celebration of Pride Weekend, let's share clips of a our favorite gay and lesbian performers and characters from the movies and television. Again, performers or characters both count-just so long as there's some gay in there. I'll get us rolling after the jump.

One More Thing: Greatest Summer Movies of the 70s

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 05:36PM

Well, if you played or payed attention to last night's installment of OMT, you knew this was coming. What are the most awesome movies of the 1970s that take place in, came out in, or just make you think of the summer? I'll get the world's first-ever summer blockbuster out of the way with its amazing original theatrical trailer.

One More Thing: Greatest Summer Movies of the 80s

ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 05:48PM

In honor of the first official summer weekend, let's share our favorite summertime flicks from the golden 80s. You know, movies that came out in, take place in, or just make you harken back to the sultry days of the summers of your youth. I'll get us started with the endearing tale of four best friends wandering through an idyllic American landscape to view a rotting corpse.

One More Thing: Who is Your 70s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 04:41PM

Yesterday's installment brought forth so much thrillingly lovely eye-candy that I'm sticking with the theme today. Only difference is that we'll be delving even further back into our collective crush unconsciousness. Crush-onciousness? Whatev. I'll start it off with my choice for most amazingly glorious 1970s heartbreaker.

One More Thing: Who is Your 80s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 06:09PM

Who made your heart and knees go all to jittery goo the quickest in the movies and TV shows of the wonderful 1980s? My personal fave has never-as far as I know-been filmed in the delightful leg-warmers of the period, so that field is wide open. And, yes, boy-crushes are welcome.

One More Thing: Movies' Most Awesomely Lovable Losers

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 06:02PM

Stoners, drunks, hypochondriacs, neurotics, dumb-asses, freaks, nerds-guys and gals that just cannot for the life of them get their shit together! They're the freaking best! They rule movies just like monkeys rule all animal videos! Who is your favorite silver screen fuck-up character? I'm going with someone deliciously obvious for starters.

One More Thing: The Greatest Movie Speeches of All Time

ian spiegelman · 06/07/08 07:17PM

Every now and then a movie offers up a few lines of dialogue that sneaks its way past our snarky, cynical waking minds and inserts itself right into our mushy little hearts. It happens rarely, but when it does, our eyes get all stupid and crinkly and our faces contort and the skin on our necks gets all hot. When has that happened to you? My choice after the jump.

One More Thing: Muppets!

ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 04:50PM

Today was kinda grim, what with the crash and the cash-throwing and Back to the Future burning down. But there is nothing bad or mean or grubby about Muppets. So let's watch some friggin' Muppets already!

Crazy Classic Comic Book Ads

ian spiegelman · 05/25/08 10:44AM

Monkeys, sea monkeys, X-Ray specs-strange, unnatural powers! All these could be yours for just a few bucks and some proofs-of-purchase via the ad pages of your favorite comic. Some classics after the jump.

One More Thing: The Sounds of Summer

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 04:42PM

Summer at last! So what songs does this glorious time of year bring to mind? You know, music appropriate for beach parties, pool parties, long drives in convertibles, non-ironic rooftop barbecues, or just fooling around with some cutie under the cool comforting whir of your trusty air conditioner? My video pick's after the jump. What's yours?

The look of Facebook, past, present, and future

Nicholas Carlson · 05/21/08 11:40AM

Facebook will update its profile design in the next couple of weeks, a change rendered momentous if only by the millions who have known no other interface to their obsession. Below, check out the new look. Then compare it to Facebook profile designs from a past as distant as 2005. You remember the time, right? It was before Facebook's spammy apps, before the stalker-friendly News Feed, and before they let in all the jailbait high-schoolers. Come, journey with us into the lost youth of Mark Zuckerberg.

One More Thing

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 04:37PM

I love watching old TV commercials because they remind me of Saturday mornings and of a civilized age when you had four channels and when the cartoons told you they'd be right back after these messages, you believed them and you watched the messages because they were fun and if you watched them the cartoons really would be right back and you'd be so happy to see them! So... Ten minutes of 80s commercials after the jump.