
Kim Jong Un Loves Dolphins

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 12:12PM

Beloved Leader Kim Jong Un, Mighty Nuclear-Equipped Hero King of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Brave Machine-Gunner of Justice, is really into dolphins.

Lacey Donohue · 09/11/13 10:23PM

New satellite imagery indicates that North Korea may have restarted a plutonium reactor. The U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies says the pictures show that the reactor "is in or nearing operation."

Lacey Donohue · 09/08/13 11:12PM

According to Dennis Rodman, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has a new baby daughter named Ju-ae. Rodman apparently held her during his recent trip and said Kim, on top of being a "great guy" who loves basketball and cultural exchanges, is also "a good dad."

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 01:46PM

North Korea's official news agency reports today that "table-tennis shoes made by daily necessaries workteams are very popular among the users." Oddly, they don't report anything about forcing citizens in prison camps to kill their own children.

The Incomprehensible Horrors of North Korean Prison Camps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 04:13PM

The UN is currently hosting a "Commission of Inquiry" about North Korea. The most impactful thing to come out of the commission's hearings will almost certainly be stories like the ones that were told to day by survivors of North Korean prison camps.

Taylor Berman · 07/16/13 08:54PM

The Cuban Foreign Ministry released a statement Tuesday, admitting ownership of the weapons found aboard a North Korean ship in Panama on Monday. The "obsolete defensive weaponry," which included anti-aircraft guns and two MiG-21 aircraft, was on its way to North Korea for repair, according to the statement.

Adrian Chen · 06/20/13 10:51AM

The Korean branch of the hacktivist outfit Anonymous (yeah it exists) claims to have stolen some secret missile documents from North Korea. They'll be releasing them on June 25th. Take this with a grain of salt as big as Kim Jong Un's new $7 million yacht.

North Korea Gives Details On Imprisoned American Kenneth Bae's Crime

Adrian Chen · 05/09/13 07:04PM

When North Korea announced it had sentenced imprisoned American tour operator Kenneth Bae to 15 years hard labor earlier this month, it gave no details about his crime other than he had attempted to "overthrow" the North Korean government. But now North Korea has presented more details about Bae's crime: They say he smuggled anti-government propaganda into the country, and preached the overthrow of regime as part of a Christian missionary-backed plan called "Operation Jericho."

Impatient Austinite Wants to Bomb North Korea Now, Now, Now!

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/13/13 01:45PM

In his New York Times op-ed yesterday, University of Texas professor Jeremi Suri writes that the United States's best course of action during this whole North Korean affair would be to bomb North Korea and knock out their weapons capabilities. Probably slighting from North Korea's devious plans to wipe his home, Austin, off the map, Suri believes that, "the Korean crisis has now become a strategic threat to America's core national interests. The best option is to destroy the North Korean missile on the ground before it is launched. The United States should use a precise airstrike to render the missile and its mobile launcher inoperable."