
You Need to Watch Norm Macdonald's Hilarious Old Fake Sully Sullenberger Biopic

Jordan Sargent · 07/01/16 04:15PM

As of today, you can watch the first trailer for the new Tom Hanks-starring, Clint Eastwood-directed biopic of Sully Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot who dramatically landed a full jet in the Hudson River in 2009. I’m sure the movie will be decent, but it’s impossible for it to be better than the fake Sully biopic created by Norm Macdonald for Conan O’Brien just a month after the incident.

Vegas Bouncers Make More Than The President

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/08 12:15PM

Life is good when you work at a nightclub hot enough to host Paris Hilton's birthday party. Doormen at Pure, the biggest club in Las Vegas, are said to clearing up to half a million dollars per year [Las Vegas Review-Journal]. And that's before whatever extras they can sell, nahmean? Unfortunately for them, it's also before taxes; on Wednesday the club got raided by the IRS.