
IRS Didn't Just Hunt the Tea Party: Liberal Churches Also Targets

Ken Layne · 05/13/13 03:07PM

Republicans are still furious over IRS scrutiny of non-profit groups with "Tea Party" and "patriots" in their names, but the life of the scandal depends entirely upon the political affiliation of the hundreds of other groups investigated by tax officials.

Air Rights Battle Pits Soho Residents Against Nonprofit

Maggie Lange · 05/08/13 04:30PM

God's Love We Deliver, a nonprofit that delivers meals to sick and homebound people, will double the size of their Soho headquarters this summer. In order to fund their expansion without relocating, they sold $4 million of their air rights to a development company that is building a 14-story building next door. With the nonprofit doubling in size and the new condo widening because of newly-purchased air rights, Soho neighbors are protesting both the legality of the sale as well as the possible detrimental effects they say the buildings will have on the neighborhood.

How to Solve Homelessness: The Mundane Miracles of The Doe Fund

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/13 12:06PM

The next mayor of New York City will not be George McDonald, though George McDonald is running for mayor. That's OK. George McDonald is already better than any mayor has ever been at addressing the most obstinate social problems in this city's modern history.

Working at Carnegie Hall Sure Has Its Advantages

cityfile · 10/20/09 01:05PM

Wall Streeters can expect to see annual bonuses jump 40 percent this year. But working for a bank requires you to wear a suit, sit behind a desk all day, and perform tasks that are often exceptionally boring. Why not become a stagehand at Carnegie Hall instead? You can show up in jeans, you'll get plenty of exercise, and while you won't make quite as much money, you'll sure come close!

Al Gore Demands American Earnestness

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/08 02:47PM

Al Gore's incredibly expensive campaign to solve the climate crisis by enriching the advertising industry is still going strong! The Gore-backed is running a new ad, and it unfortunately embodies the traits of its sponsor: off-putting earnestness and a befuddling message in support of a worthy cause. This one features various Americans staring creepily into the camera while slogans flash, informing politicians that we "demand" that they "use the wind" to stop global warming or something. A tenth of Gore's $300 million budget spent directly on lobbying would accomplish much more than these ads ever will. Environmentalists have all the good weed-is this as creative as they can get? Watch the Gore-like spot after the jump: