
New Sarah Palin Campaign Ad!

Pareene · 11/24/08 11:58AM

The aptly named "Our Country Deserves Better PAC" has basically ruined Thanksgiving. They bought airtime, nationally, for some ads they produced about Sarah Palin. Why? Why did they do this? Don't they know it's November and we're all done with her forever? They just don't care. They hate America. "Palin inspires such passion among Americans," the PAC's chief strategist explains, "because she speaks to them in a straightforward and sincere way without the parsed statements and duplicity of typical Washington insider and bureaucrats." She speaks without those "parsed statements" because it is usually impossible to parse her statements. Watch the inexplicable ad thanking that terrible woman after the jump!

Balk's Back!

Pareene · 01/16/08 04:45PM

Former Gawker editor Alex Balk is blogging again! No, not really at Radar, where he works, but on his Tumblr. Have you heard of Tumblr? Allow former Gawker editor Doree Shafrir to explain—in the New York Observer, where she works, or on her Tumblr! Turns out blogging's fun when you're not getting paid for it! More good news: Denton has asked our tech wizards to "splice in" Balk's Tumblr, so you can read his drink-soaked classic rock-despising wisdom right here. (Though not at Radar, where you can read Tionna Smalls' East New York Truth.)