
Nina DiSesa Becomes Her Own Blog Nightmare

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 04:33PM

"I've seen blogs where if you don't have your name on [a comment], they won't run your answer. I respect those blogs, and the people who run those blogs have a great deal of integrity," said blog-hating ad agency exec Nina DiSesa in an interview we posted earlier today. Among those cowardly bloggers who provide a platform for totally anonymous comments: Nina DiSesa!

Nina DiSesa To Bloggers: Stop Attacking Children!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 01:02PM

McCann Erickson ad agency exec Nina DiSesa has already made clear her feelings that ad industry bloggers are bitter losers, who bear some responsibility for the suicide of Chicago ad exec Paul Tilley. But in a just-posted new video interview, she expands on the real villains: "The blogs that attack the children." She thinks they should all be outlawed! Quite right, cause there's a lot of ad industry blogs that attack children and stuff, I guess, or something. DiSesa does display her canny understanding of the digital age by acknowledging, "It's fun to have a really good blog on your computer and to engage in it." Okay! The full clip, helpfully titled "Are bloggers dangerous?", is below.

Blogs Innocent Of Shoving Ad Exec To Death, Friend Says

Ryan Tate · 03/02/08 10:30PM

The Times looked into the death of DDB Chicago Creative Director Paul Tilley and found that he probably jumped from an upper floor of the Chicago Fairmont hotel to his death, and does not appear to have been brutally pushed through a window by the Scary Internet Blogs as had been feared. Though Tillet faced potentially lethal "biting" "harsh criticism" on, the Times found an anonymous friend of Tilley's who said blogs had nothing to do with his suicide:

Nina Disesa On Men

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/08 03:25PM

Angry McCann Erickson ad agency executive Nina Disesa reminisced fondly to the press today about her former colleague Paul Tilley, who committed suicide late last week. She commended his wisdom and sense of humor. Kind words, and quite a contrast to her assessment of anti-Tilley bloggers as hateful, bitter losers. It's worth pointing out, amidst all the hubbub, that Disesa is currently flogging her book, "Seducing The Boys Club," about how to survive and thrive as a woman in a man's world. Its observations seem to have informed her blog-relations tactics. Below, some of Disesa's top "practical, outrageous, and even controversial maxims" for dealing with men—the dogs!

Ad Agency Boss Calls Bloggers Hateful Bitter Losers Over Tilley Suicide

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/08 03:52PM

The controversy over what role (if any) ad bloggers played in ad exec Paul Tilley's suicide is rising up the ranks pretty fast. Earlier today Nina Disesa, the chairman of the New York flagship office of huge ad agency McCann Erickson, left a comment on the Agency Spy blog that calls bloggers hateful failures, and their commenters "losers." This prompted AdScam's George Parker, an actual ad industry guy who takes a backseat to no one in cussing out said industry, to scoff at her, and add that "I happen to think the vast majority of the work that comes out of McCann is shit." The most incredible aspects of this controversy are, 1. The fact that nobody knows why Tilley committed suicide has not prevented a major agency executive from speculating on the cause, and 2. A major agency executive could be so tone-deaf when it comes to the blogosphere. The whole thing is getting nastier by the minute, without any real new information. Disesa's full angry comment is copied below.