
Comments of the Day: Will Blow for Blank

Richard Lawson · 02/04/10 05:31PM

Comments! Some people leave 'em, some people read 'em, and nobody cares about 'em. Except us. We care so deeply that once a day we stop and admire a particular few. Today: Cock & Balls. Plus: Other things.

"Or Maybe You Just Don't Have the Body For It": A Male Model YouTubes

Sheila · 03/25/08 11:14AM

Nick Snider is very young and oddly gorgeous — that's probably why at 19, he's already a top model, posing for Prada and others! Unfortunately, he ruins it with his nasty attitude, showcased on YouTube and aimed towards that scourge of modern society, "haters." Example: "Maybe you're just like, old and ugly... or, maybe you just don't have the body for [modeling.]" Also? "Seriously, who uses LiveJournal anymore? Nooobody fuckin' 'uses Livejournal." Update: Damn! Video deleted in record time. We found a way better one: it involves lip-synching to Miley Cyrus, but he's still talking about haters!