
Harvard Prof Slams Keynesian Economics Because Keynes Was Gay

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/04/13 09:04AM

Harvard professor and prominent Obama-critic Niall Ferguson told more than 500 financial advisers at a conference on Thursday that Keynesian economics, an economic philosophy that advocates stimulus spending and is not kind to the idea of empire (which Ferguson loves), is flawed because Keynes was gay and uninterested in future generations.

Semi-Celebrities Finally Have a Place to Go to Complain About the Internet

John Cook · 03/28/11 11:56AM

One of the tragedies of being marginally famous is that people can write true things about you that you don't like on the internet. Well now, thanks to a knight, these lost souls finally have recourse: iCorrect, the internet's premiere source for niggling, picayune corrections from people you don't particularly care about.