
The Viral-Video-Microcelebrity-Industrial Complex; or, Making Money Off the Bus Lady Video

Adrian Chen · 07/03/12 09:00AM

On June 19, a YouTube user by the name of "CapitalTrigga" uploaded a video of a gang of middle school students harassing bus monitor Karen Klein. He sent links to local news stations, and school authorities, according to a Reddit thread he posted in soon after. Just a couple days later, thanks to popular posts on Reddit, the video was playing on every major TV network in America. Thousands of dollars in donations poured into an online fundraiser for Karen Klein, the video's beleagured star.

The Creator of Dilbert, the World's Greatest Genius, Has Had Another Brilliant Thought

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/12 02:35PM

Scott Adams is the guy who writes Dilbert, a cartoon beloved by suicidal office workers across America. Scott Adams is also, not to brag, the smartest person in America, judging simply by the quantity of thinly-veiled self-regard which drips off of each and every post on Scott Adams' blog, especially the rapey ones. Scott Adams' genius possesses such a breadth and girth that it often crowds everything else off the internet, forcing Scott Adams himself to take on the task of pointing out just how big of a genius Scott Adams is.

Katie Holmes Fires Her Bodyguards, TomKat Divorce Weirdness Escalates

Leah Beckmann · 07/02/12 01:26PM

It's been a mere four days since Katie Holmes filed for divorce, ending her five-year marriage to Tom Cruise, and it's already shaping up to be one of the messiest, most mysterious divorces Hollywood has seen in a while. Amid Katie's attempt to gain full custody of Suri, rumors that Scientology is to blame for the split, and claims that members of the church are following her, Katie Holmes has now fired her entire security team. They were allegedly, "too close to Tom."

Presence of 'Gatsbabies' Requires Mandatory Gatsbortions

Drew Magary · 06/27/12 04:05PM

Not to be outdone by the New York Times' Ubermenschtastic profile of the Brant Brothers, the New York Observer is doing the world one better and introducing us to the world of... the Gatsbabies, three "preening prepsters" whose flamboyance is taking New York by storm, except that it's not taking New York by storm and I already hate them with the power of a thousand 747 engines.

To Save the News, We Must Become the News

Caity Weaver · 06/26/12 10:23PM

Absolutely no one is watching CNN anymore. The network has just posted figures for the second quarter of this year and, hoo-boy, they are terrible. A 40 percent drop in prime-time ratings since last year. The worst performance ever for a second quarter. Even CNN's mom has stopped watching it though she lies and says she still tunes in, like that kind of coddling is going to help anyone. If things continue on this path, our children will have no knowledge of the Cable News Network as we know it. To them, CNN will refer only to Ciennen, a popular girl from their kindergarten class.

Aaron Sorkin Calls Female Reporter 'Internet Girl,' Is a Condescending Prick

Drew Magary · 06/25/12 10:15AM

If you haven't read any of the vicious reviews for Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom—that heartwarming new HBO show about a rich white man who finally finds the COURAGE to be an opinionated dipshit on TV—go read them. They're a hater's delight (Dan Rather's excepted), and they must have gotten under Aaron Sorkin's onion peel-thin skin, because he took time over the weekend to be a complete asshole to Toronto Globe and Mail writer Sarah Nicole Prickett. But before insulting her, he of course had to make a grand statement about WRITING and about WHAT AARON SORKIN THINKS OF THE WORLD TODAY:

Dan Rather Reviewed The Newsroom for Us and Liked It

Dan Rather · 06/25/12 08:30AM

A note from Dan Rather: I'm aware that my musings run counter to some of the more prominent early reviews in high-profile publications such as The New Yorker and the New York Times. But with all due respect (and I have a lot of it for those reviewers), I just don't think they "get it"; they've somehow missed the breadth, depth and "got it right" qualities –- and importance — of Newsroom. Maybe it's because they are print people. Then, too, maybe they're right and I'm wrong. I never rule out the possibility of that. But I've lived in the world of television newsrooms for most of my adult life. I know the people, the venues and the challenges — the satisfactions of success and the heartbreak when things go awry. From where I sit and based on my experience, Sorkin and crew have got it amazingly right, even when they over talk it.

Alec Baldwin Hides Under Blanket to Avoid Being Angered By Photographers

Emma Carmichael · 06/20/12 12:54PM

Alec Baldwin, a famous adult who has been famous for an estimated 44 percent of the time he's spent on this earth, is tired of the paparazzi who take photographs of him and, by extension, the "political opposition" inherent to the media that distort stories such as Alec Baldwin allegedly punching a member of the paparazzi who attempted to take a photo of him, and so Alec Baldwin hid under a blanket yesterday to avoid getting photographed by a member of the paparazzi.

On Neil Munro's Obama Stunt-Heckle

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/19/12 12:05PM

Last Friday, as American journalists looked forward to an evening's well-earned drinking, one lone truth-teller gritted his teeth and inwardly hissed, "Not on my watch." He was wearing a tan suit and standing near roses as he said this. There was a Poison song playing in his head, and he saw words emerge from his mouth in bullet time, so the president couldn't dodge them.