
Jon Stewart Questions Lawmakers' Reactions to the Arizona Shooting

Matt Cherette · 01/12/11 11:24PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart continued to reflect on Saturday's deadly Arizona shooting by highlighting a couple of proposed (and reactionary) laws aimed at preventing it from happening again—though one is just "saying 'Fuck you!' to Sarah Palin." Watch inside.

Find This Couple's Dog and They'll Name Their Firstborn After You

Matt Cherette · 01/12/11 02:18PM

Doug and Sara Cannon are a Canadian couple who lost their Bernese mountain dog, Molly Jane, last week. They're so desperate to get the pet back that they're offering to name their firstborn child after whoever finds her. Watch inside.

Andy Rooney Likes to Point Out Others' Mistakes

Matt Cherette · 01/09/11 10:24PM

On tonight's 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney tackled a story about a Virginia history textbook that was revealed to contain 140 mistakes. Then, Rooney bragged about all the books he's written. Then, he again criticized the aforementioned author. The video, inside.

Facebook Apocalypse Rumor Terrifies Internet

Adrian Chen · 01/09/11 12:53PM

Time was, Weekly World News reported on UFO sightings and all manner of human-animal hybrids. But the new supermarket tabloid hotness is a fake rumor about Facebook. Did you know Facebook is shutting down on March 15th?

Woman Is Shocked to Learn That Her Local Chili's Has Closed

Matt Cherette · 01/06/11 03:23PM

There's really not too much to this video. It's only about 10 seconds long, it features only one person, and she only speaks a couple of sentences. But boy oh boy is it the funniest thing I've seen all day.

Jon Stewart Chronicles the Evolution of John McCain's Angry Insanity

Matt Cherette · 01/05/11 11:27PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the 108th Congress. Specifically, Stewart lambasted curmudgeonly bigot John McCain for his increasingly angry, insane rhetoric. Then, Stewart fought with a puppet version of McCain. The entertaining bit, inside.

What Really Happens on Local News During Commercial Breaks

Richard Blakeley · 01/05/11 10:00AM

In a scene that looks straight out of Anchorman, here is footage of two local news anchors performing a two minute ritualistic series of high fives, fist bumps and other wacky moves during a two minute commercial break.