
A Quick Note About Our New And Improved Masthead

mark · 01/02/08 11:30AM

Happy 2008! Though we're still trying to pry off the confetti stubbornly cemented to various body parts by dried champagne (please, don't press us for details on the exact places we're having a hard time de-spangling), we're ready for whatever Hollywood nonsense the new year holds. But first, we have an announcement to make: Our Defamer family is expanding, as we've brought aboard an old friend to be our first Managing Editor. Please welcome Mark Graham to the fold, who'll be dealing with the administration of the site, spearheading the expansion of some features (photos and videos and what-have-you), and handling all the fun responsibilities that go along with growing our little part of the Gawker Media Worldwide Blogging Concern. Mark's a recent refugee from VH1's online operations, the proprietor of the seminal blogspot Whatevs, and, amazingly, still fascinated with at least one half of the post-conjoined Olsen twins. Please direct all well wishes and gift baskets (hint: he's a red-velvet cupcake guy) here.

Passive-Aggressive Rick Stengel Announces New 'Time' Hire

Maggie · 12/07/07 01:05PM

Salon's Michael Scherer is leaving his position there as Washington correspondent to join Time magazine as political correspondent and teacher's pet. "Michael represents the new TIME correspondent: adept on-line, on-air and in print," said Rick Stengel, in an email to staff today. We are quite sure that none of the magazine's web-reluctant old guard will resent that thinly-veiled barb one little bit! Memo after the jump.

abalk · 09/11/07 09:10AM

Hip hop mogul Damon Dash is writing a weekly business column for subway handout Metro. Expect horoscopes from L.A. Reid in A.M. New York any day now. [WWD]

Ellen DeGeneres Still Not Over The DJ Who Stole Her Heart

seth · 09/06/07 07:25PM

The Ellen DeGeneres Show's new season debuted this week from New York, where she introduced audiences to her new DJ, KROQ's and Loveline's Stryker— though the two seem to be suffering from a chemistry deficiency. On today's episode, Stryker made an off-color joke that involved the word "bitches," prompting an awkward, angry lecture about the differences between radio and TV standards and practices.

Choire · 08/30/07 09:45AM

The New York Observer continues its acquisitions with the hiring of a new media editor: One Zachary Roth, late of the Washington Monthly. We figure if you finish this piece of his on election financing or this one on parents and television, you'll know all you need to know about him; we sure didn't so we totally don't. He has a blog with his brother. We have yet to find any pictures of him, but oh, we will.