
Is It Proper To Call A NetJets Membership "My Jet?"

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/08 11:23AM

Hip hop mogul and sophisticated ball waxer Puff Daddy got a little embarrassed this week, when some journalist-for reasons still unknown-decided to fact check something that came out of Puffy's mouth. Specifically, a rant that the millionaire bad rapper spit on YouTube about how he had to stop flying on his own private jet due to high gas prices. Then a gossip guy at the Palm Beach Post actually combed the records and talked to secret sources and discovered there is no private jet registered to Puffy or any of his companies. But there is an explanation!

Diddy Fibs, Gets Caught

cityfile · 09/09/08 07:48AM

Remember when P. Diddy posted a video a few weeks ago ranting that the cost of gas was making it too expensive for him to fly on his private jet? One small problem! He doesn't actually own a private jet. Reporters at the Palm Beach Post combed through aviation records to find evidence of this Diddy-owned aircraft. They didn't turning anything up. Nor could they account for Diddy's claim that flying back and forth from New York to LA twice a month cost him $250,000. (At the most, it would run in the neighborhood of $100,000.) Diddy's response? His publicist now admits he doesn't actually "own" a jet, but he does use NetJets from time to time, and isn't that close enough?