
Mark Zuckerberg Is a Star in India, Too

Ryan Tate · 07/29/10 02:01PM

Facebook's director of engineering got married in India earlier this year, and his boss Mark Zuckerberg joined him for the wedding, sister and girlfriend in tow. Now pictures of the social networkers are circulating around the subcontinent.

Steve Jobs: Relaxing in Hawaii?

Ryan Tate · 07/15/10 05:39PM

As the iPhone's reception problems exploded into a major controversy, Steve Jobs was trying to enjoy a vacation on Hawaii's Big Island with his family, according to a spy who says he saw the Apple CEO at Kona Village Resort.

Close Encounters of the Steve Jobs Kind (Part 3)

Ryan Tate · 04/06/10 10:53AM

It would appear we've giving people flashbacks: Readers are still sending us their Steve Jobs sightings. According to the latest batch, the Apple CEO detests a certain partner company, hangs with Larry Ellison and refuses special hospital blankets.

A Treasure Trove of Steve Jobs Stories

Ryan Tate · 03/31/10 01:30PM

Yesterday we asked readers about their run-ins with Steve Jobs, and they delivered. The Apple CEO is quietly ubiquitous, seen from Palo Alto to SoHo, from Whole Foods to Gotham catwalks, a shaggy-dressing crazy driver who's kind to strangers.

How Steve Jobs Behaves in Public

Ryan Tate · 03/30/10 12:36PM

Steve Jobs handles public encounters with a mixture of brazenness and celebrity caution, according to people who sent us stories about their run-ins with the Apple CEO. Read their tales—and send us yours—below.

Steve Jobs, Coldplay Groupie

Ryan Tate · 07/16/09 11:05AM

Steve Jobs might not be back at work full time, but he's got enough physical stamina to attend a Coldplay concert — and hang around outside the band's dressing room like a starstruck teenager. The fanboydom was, of course, mutual.

First Sighting of Steve Jobs Officially Back at Work

Ryan Tate · 06/29/09 05:44PM

Apple won't say whether Steve Jobs was at the office today as part of his official return to the company. But a Valleywag spy spotted the CEO on his company's Cupertino campus. Jobs apparently left early:

Luke Wilson just another bored Twitter user?

Owen Thomas · 12/03/08 04:20PM

Stars — they're just like us, if by "us" you mean "people who use the Internet too much." Luke Wilson, the Hollywood B-lister best known for playing a schlubby everyman, also appears to be a typical user of Twitter, the blogging service which sanely limits its users' oversharing to 140 characters at a time, when it's not actively destroying the news business. Someone signed up for a "LukeWilson" account back in April.

Whose Tesla is this at our favorite bar?

Paul Boutin · 11/12/08 12:55AM

Owen snapped this photo of a new Tesla electric roadster rockstar-parked outside Joey & Eddie's. Too bad I'm not there. There are only so many tables in that restaurant, so I'm sure I'd find the owner before getting thrown out on my face.

Facebook CFO in two places at once

Owen Thomas · 11/07/08 03:00PM

We've always been impressed by Facebook CFO Gideon Yu's ability to snooker investors around the world. The list of people he's taken for a ride include Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Hong Kong telecom mogul Li Ka-Shing. Just last Friday, he returned from a trip to Dubai, where he tried to shake loose some petrodollars from the Middle Eastern emirate's sovereign wealth funds. Some people seem to think Yu is still in Dubai. Which would be quite a feat, considering he's been spotted in Facebook's Palo Alto headquarters multiple times this week. Perhaps he's using CNN's new hologram technology?

Wealthy wantrepreneur Sam Lessin shows face in public

Owen Thomas · 10/17/08 05:00PM founder Sam Lessin, the son of Croesus-rich Wall Street investment banker turned venture capitalist Bob Lessin, is obsessed with privacy, the chief selling point of his file-sharing startup. Which is why a video he and 19 of his closest friends filmed themselves cavorting at his father's vacation home in Cyprus ended up splashed all over the Internet. And why, after he'd successfully rendered himself infamous, he turned out at a journalist-infested birthday party thrown for CNET News reporter Caroline McCarthy and Scott Kidder, an employee at Valleywag publisher Gawker Media. Sure, Sam — keep telling everyone how important privacy is. And don't stop walking in front of cameras. He's shown here, at left, with a companion who's much more skilled at keeping his identity secret. (Photo by Random Night Out)