
How to Get Your Book Mentioned in Time

Sheila · 02/29/08 12:04PM

Charla Krupp recently published How Not to Look Old, which was mentioned in Time magazine's article, "How Not to Look Old on the Job." They didn't mention she was married to Richard Zoglin, says Portfolio. But some say this is not a big deal?

Hipster Travelblogger Victim of "Mob Rule" Online, Not Nepotism

Sheila · 02/18/08 11:03AM

Last week, we introduced you to Max Gogarty, the son of freelance travel writer Paul Gogarty, who has written for the Guardian. Max has been granted a forum to travelblog his way through Asia for the Guardian. How marvelous! His rather clueless and privileged first post prompted such class rage from commenters that the Guardian chose to shut commenting down. And Max won't be blogging any more, adds his Dad (in the comments). Now the Guardian is bemoaning this saga of "backpackers, bullies, and internet myths." Hey, did you know? "The recent pillorying of 19-year-old Max Gogarty shows that, without tolerance, there is only mob rule online," reminiscent of "China's Cultural Revolution."

The Guardian Hipster Travelblogger Who Prompted Comment Shutdown

Sheila · 02/14/08 02:49PM

Nineteen-year-old Max Gogarty (who just so happens to be the son of former Guardian travel writer Paul Gogarty) is free, white, and preparing to travelblog his way through Asia. Young Max is from London, in his gap year, and "spends his money on food, booze and skinny jeans, writes for Skins in his spare time. He's off to India and Thailand to have a good time, and you can join him in his weekly blog." Let's take a look at the single blogpost that prompted such furious commenter reactions that the Guardian actually closed the comments section.

Prestigious Paper Is Kind To Rich Family

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/08 12:41PM

The Times' City section today gives its cover over to a long, knowing meditation by a lifelong New Yorker about all the changes the city has gone through since its darker, more edgy days. "I have vivid memories of 1980s Times Square (my parents worked in offices there), but I never got to experience the distinct pleasures of all-night grind-house double features or live sex shows," says the author. His name is Nathaniel Rich, and he's the 27 year-old son of Times columnist Frank Rich. Wow, those Rich kids sure are good at getting published! [NYT]

How To Become A Conde Nast Intern

Emily · 04/16/07 03:49PM

Still haven't finalized your summer internship plans? For shame! Good thing Cynthia, who's currently interning at Teen Vogue, has some hot tips for you. "My advice for anyone applying for an internship would be to be prepared to answer anything from who your favorite up and coming designers are to why you think you are an eligible canidate [sic] for the position." Solid advice. So, uh, Cynthia, is that how you ended up where you are today, doing everything "from preparing photo shoots and fashion shows to screwing in a light bulb"? "A good friend and former Teen Vogue intern, Sara Moonves (who is now in the New York Vogue office) recommended me for the position. Getting the interview is one of the most difficult parts!" You heard her, kids: put "know the CEO of CBS's daughter" on your to-do lists, or start boning up on your back issues of Woman's Day.

Meet Cynthia [Teen Vogue]

Frank Rich Defends Free Speech, Family Biz

Emily · 04/16/07 10:20AM

"My 22-year-old son, a humor writer who finds Imus an anachronistic and unfunny throwback to the racial-insult humor of the Frank Sinatra-Sammy Davis Jr. Rat Pack ilk, raises a complementary issue. He argues that when Sacha Baron Cohen makes fun of Jews and gays, he can do so because he's not doing it as himself but as a fictional character." That is such a good point in the Times op-ed pages! Gee, I would be interested to hear more of this precocious youngster's deep thoughts. But where to find them? I'll just look at Amazon under humor and... ah ha! Check that out! Simon Rich's book came out April 3rd. Proceeding to checkout!

Everybody Hates Don Imus [NYT]

How to get to Yahoo: Be smart and creative, or be Lloyd Braun's spawn

Nick Douglas · 06/28/06 09:16PM

Poking fun at Lloyd Braun's pointless job may be fun, but the Yahoo Media Group head is no dummy — his TV biz skills are just pointless at a company that doesn't want to make content. But a reader says that Lloyd's putting one classic skill to work.