
Comcast: We'll Give You This Refund If You Swear to Tell No One

Jay Hathaway · 05/07/15 04:50PM

There’s good news and bad news in Comcast’s alleged mission to improve its worst-in-America customer service. Good: You might actually get a refund after they bill you for equipment you’ve already returned. Bad: You’ll have to sign an agreement never to tell anyone that Comcast overcharged you in the first place.

An alternative to useless NDAs

Paul Boutin · 01/26/07 11:59AM

PAUL BOUTIN — The problem with Google's double-secret non-disclosure agreement isn't that it's evil, or that it's typical. The problem with NDAs is that they don't work. People forget them in the heat of a conversation. They kid themselves that when you said "confidential" you didn't mean, like, confidential. But one angel investor has found a magic oath that keeps confidantes quiet better than paperwork. Read on.