
Heather Graham Is Back in the Game

Richard Lawson · 08/25/11 05:48PM

Once burned, the honey-blonde actress is headed back into the TV world. Also today: another Real World will soon make landfall, a model gets the weirdest role a model could get, and Jamie Lee Curtis is a mixed blessing.

Beloved True Blood Star Becoming a Mass Murderer

Richard Lawson · 10/27/10 02:53PM

We're sorry to say, it's happening. Cult leader, killer, all that. Also today: a movie studio is more powerful than a country, the new Batman movie is just recycling the old title, and Darren Aronofsky loves robots.

Naval Murder Spree Continues at Alarming Rate

Richard Lawson · 09/22/10 02:23PM

Just so very many people in the Navy seem to be murdered, every week. And you all can't stop watching it. Also today: three rich girls do rich things and want to be congratulated for it, plus casting.

Katherine Heigl to Ruin All the Movies

Richard Lawson · 04/30/10 10:42AM

She aims to ruin every single one. Also today: Kristen Wiig is a movie star! A wonderful television program has been canceled. A new Stephen King TV series is in the works. And an important NCIS update.

Katie Holmes Is Your Next First Lady

Richard Lawson · 04/29/10 09:56AM

No, aliens still can't run for president (unless they're named Barack Nobama!!). She's just playing a very famous one in a TV miniseries. Also today: exciting casting news about exciting actors, salary disputes, and Hollywood tragedies.

Forest Whitaker Sells Out To Mountain Dew To Prove Someone Is Willing To Pay For Online Content

mark · 11/07/07 03:03PM

·The future of online entertainment is now, and Forest Whitaker is stepping boldly into the brave, new world of selling out interactively: the Oscar winner is teaming with Pepsi for a web-based fantasy game called Dewmocracy, in which players will ultimately help create a new, totally extreme flavor of The Dew . [Variety]
· In belt-tightening measures meant to help them survive the strike, agencies are cutting back on overtime, travel, expenses, and baby consumption. With the vast majority of their revenue tied to TV and film, a prolonged work stoppage could mean that chop-shops like CAA would no longer be able to afford the freshest, straight-from-the-nursery infants they're accustomed to gobbling, and may have to temporarily switch to cheaper, lower-quality frozen toddlers until business returns to normal levels. [Variety]