
30 Rock: Liz Lemon's Breakup Is Everyone's Breakup

Matt Cherette · 02/17/11 10:47PM

On tonight's 30 Rock, Liz Lemon came into the TGS writer's room with an announcement: she was absolutely *fine* following her breakup with Carol. So fine, in fact, that she'd adopted a cat—Emily Dickinson—and a fanny pack!

Matthew Perry Wins Decisive Battle in the War of the Friends

Richard Lawson · 02/10/11 05:07PM

Chandler's new show premiered last night where Monica's old-new show should have been, and it blew it out of the water. Also today: lots of pilot casting news including TV roles for movie people, an interesting idea for The Office's future, and a scintillating blind item.

Debra Messing Returns to What She Knows Best: The Gays

Richard Lawson · 02/07/11 05:25PM
  • Debra Messing just cannot stay away from the gays! This is what everyone will say about the new pilot she's going to star in, Smash. She'll play a lyricist working with a GAY MAN on a Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe. This is an NBC sitcom pilot all about a musical! So who cares about the gay guy?? Debra Messing could be doing this show with a ten-pound stinkbug and I'd be excited about it. The Debra Messing part could itself be played by a ten-pound stinkbug and I wouldn't care. (I'd maybe even be more excited?) Let's forget the Grace 2.0 stuff and focus on the fact that Glee has made theater slightly cool for a hot minute and enjoy it. [Deadline]

Watch Mark Zuckerberg's Awkward SNL Cameo

Matt Cherette · 01/29/11 11:54PM

During host Jesse Eisenberg's monologue on tonight's Saturday Night Live, the Social Network star was surprised on stage by Andy Samberg-as-Mark Zuckerberg. But that wasn't all—shortly thereafter, the *real* Mark Zuckerberg showed up... and it was incredibly awkward!

Katie Couric: "Can You Explain What Internet Is?"

Matt Cherette · 01/28/11 05:15PM

Here's a recently re-discovered oldie—and goodie!—to show how far technology has come in the last two decades. Watch this Today Show clip from 1994, featuring Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel's complete confusion about what, exactly, the Internet is.

30 Rock: The Celebrity Benefit From Hell

Matt Cherette · 01/27/11 10:46PM

On tonight's 30 Rock, Jack had a brilliant idea: pre-record a celebrity-studded benefit for the victims of a natural disaster so that NBC would have a timely exclusive once the disaster actually happened. How'd it go down? Find out inside.

Sam Zell Won't Be 'The Media's Bitch'

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/11 02:16PM

In your ice-encased Thursday media column: Sam Zell is done with you media types, Comcast wouldn't dream of touching NBC News, rabbis (in the pocket of George Soros, commie Jew) hate Glenn Beck, and The Daily is coming next week.

John Travolta Is Going to Rub You Out

Richard Lawson · 01/26/11 04:15PM

He's gonna do it. Maybe quickly, maybe slowly. Depends how he feels. But watch out, he's coming. Also today: lots of news about television, casting and pilots and stuff, as well as an update on that Will Smith Annie thing.

Sex-Having Sex Priest Gets His Own TV Show

Richard Lawson · 01/25/11 03:31PM

It's true. A famous priest who angered the church by following his natural urges will soon be a national TV star. Also today: news from Sundance, some good and some bad, plus James Franco's getting into the porn world.