
London School of Economics Students Play Nazi-themed Drinking Game, Have Lots of Fun

Taylor Berman · 01/15/12 04:03PM

So you're on the London School of Economics' ski trip for their Athletic Union and bored after a long day of hitting the slopes. You need something to do. Someone suggests a drinking game. But which one? Quarters? Flip-cup? Asshole? Rage cage? No, those are all lame and overdone. You need something edgy and new. Then someone suggests fanning the cards out like a swastika and making a Nazi-themed version of Ring of Fire. "Perfect!" everyone shouts at once. "Let's add saluting the Fuhrer to the mix." What could go wrong?

A Jewelry Store in Brooklyn Is Selling Swastika Earrings

Brian Moylan · 01/10/12 03:10PM

An eagle-eyed reader snapped a picture of these earrings that are for sale at the Bejeweled store (think a busted version of Claire's) on Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They are swastikas. There was only one pair left.

'Hitler Youth' Hairdo So Hot Right Now

Maureen O'Connor · 11/16/11 05:59PM

You know that increasingly popular old-timey hairdo for men where the sides are shorn short, but the top remains long and can be slicked back with brylcreem or sculpted into an ornate pomade wave? Joe Jonas has it, and so does the guy from Arcade Fire. David Lynch sports an extreme version.

Hank Williams, Jr. Astutely Compares Obama to Hitler

Max Read · 10/03/11 06:29PM

Hank Williams, Jr., living monument to the irrelevance of genes in determining ability, appeared this morning on Fox & Friends to, as philosophe Steve Doocy put it, "break down the 2012 GOP field." And break down he did!

Thai School Is Very Sorry About Its Nazi Parade

Max Read · 09/28/11 09:04PM

The Sacred Heart School in Chiang Mai, Thailand recently had a "sports day," in which students divided up into teams named after different colors. Just like schools in the U.S.! Except that one of the teams at Sacred Heart also dressed up like Nazis.

Hugo Boss Apologizes For Making Nazis Look Fabulous

Seth Abramovitch · 09/22/11 09:14PM

German fashion label Hugo Boss issued a formal apology for that little blip on its resume — the one about them outfitting millions of Nazi soldiers. The acknowledgement comes on the clicked heels of a new book about the company, commissioned by Hugo Boss themselves in order to shed some light on the era.

The Plot to Grow Hitler's Breasts

Seth Abramovitch · 08/14/11 10:07PM

Not since we learned of the Nazis' failed attempts to create a canine überbreed capable of reading, writing and solving complex math equations has a tale of WWII crackpot science been so utterly delightful (if suspect): The Daily Mail has a story of a British plan to "lace Adolf Hitler's food with female sex hormones to curb his aggressive impulses" — thereby turning "Herr Hitler into Her Hitler," they write. (I applaud their restraint in not going for the easy "Mein Kramps" joke.)

Would You Vacation at a Nazi Beach Resort?

Maureen O'Connor · 07/20/11 05:08PM

Germany's largest building is a six-story, four-kilometer Nazi-built resort called Prora, located on an island in the Baltic Sea. Originally called "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength Through Joy), it's big enough to house 20,000 people. It was supposed to be even bigger, but World War II disrupted its construction. The building languished mostly unused until three and a half years ago, when a youth hostel moved in. I sense a Hostel sequel coming on.

Tween White Power Folk Singer Twins Now 'Liberal' Potheads

Max Read · 07/17/11 05:03PM

Lamb and Lynx Gaede, who once sang hits like "Aryan Man Awake" and "Hate for Hate: Lamb Near the Lane" as tween white power folk group Prussian Blue, have grown out of their hate-mongering phase. Way out: They are now, basically, artistic hippie potheads.

The Nazi Sex Doll That Almost Was

Max Read · 07/11/11 08:45PM

People talk so much about the "fanatic genocidal fascism" aspect of Nazis that some of their other, less genocidal (but no less crazy!) ideas. Like the Nazi sex doll "designed to stop soldiers being laid low with syphilis"!

David Duke Is Considering a White House Bid

Jeff Neumann · 07/05/11 07:15AM

The current field of 2012 GOP presidential candidates is pretty boring. You've got several grouchy old men, a pizza magnate, and a walking anal sex joke. So why not a white supremacist? Sure, the GOP has noted xenophobes like Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, but they lack the panache of an openly racist candidate. But that could soon change, as 1990s throwback David Duke prepares to embark on a tour of 26 states to feel out his chances of putting the "white" back in the White House.

Lars von Trier's Nazi Comments: The Awkward, Stuttering Video

Maureen O'Connor · 05/19/11 11:39AM

Lars von Trier's trainwreck press conference is the gift that keeps on giving. The Telegraph posted video of von Trier's Nazi meltdown, and it's the second-most awkward press conference footage I have ever seen, right after Gloria Allred's baseball bat masturbation press conference. Seated next to Von Trier, Kirsten Dunst covers her face with her hand and looks mortified. Unless it's leftover mortification from Lars' "really, really, really hardcore" comment?

An Encyclopedia of Every Other Awful Thing Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Done

John Cook · 05/19/11 05:30AM

While we're busy contemplating what an awful human being Arnold Schwarzenegger is for fathering a child out of wedlock and lying to his wife about it for 14 years, let's not forget all the other horrible things about America's favorite gay-porn-modeling, serial lady-groping, Nazi politician/statutory rapist.

Lars Von Trier Says He's a Nazi

Richard Lawson · 05/18/11 10:54AM

International man of idiocy (and occasionally brilliant filmmaking) Lars von Trier is at Cannes promoting his new movie Melancholia, and at a recent press conference the Danish director went off the rails with a weird diatribe about his Nazi sympathies.

A Picture of Hitler's Mistress in Blackface

Maureen O'Connor · 03/09/11 05:42PM

Sometimes a picture is worth so many words, it renders you speechless. Life recently digitized a cache of Eva Braun's personal photographs. Among them was a surrealist Nazi nightmare labeled "Me as Al Jolson." It dates to 1937 and shows Hitler's future bride in blackface and drag. [Life, image via Images]