
Former Instructor Gets Jail as New Assault Charges Hit Naval Academy

Cord Jefferson · 06/03/13 08:52PM

Marine Major Mark Thompson, a former U.S. Naval Academy instructor, was sentenced to 60 days in jail and a $60,000 fine after being convicted last week of committing indecent acts, fraternization, and conduct unbecoming an officer. Thompson's crimes are related to a 2011 incident in which two female midshipmen accompanied Thompson to his home after drinking alcohol and attending a croquet match between the academy and St. John's College. One of the women would later say Thompson assaulted her.

Our Future Military Leaders: Nerds Smoking Fake Weed

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/11 11:58AM

It must suck so bad to go to one of these allegedly prestigious military service academies. Besides being hazed by crewcut goons and receiving a trip to Iraq as a graduation present, you can't even smoke real ganja. So weak.