
Hudson Hongo · 08/11/15 05:30PM

Biologists at Yellowstone National Park say they have caught an adult female grizzly bear near where a “partially consumed” hiker was found on Friday. Officials say the bear will be euthanized if DNA analysis, scat samples and paw measurements identify it as the hiker’s attacker.

John Muir Forever

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/14 02:45PM

John Muir was the founder of the Sierra Club and the inventor of the modern American conservation movement. He was instrumental in preserving some of our nation's natural wonders. And now, some top environmental thinkers say John Muir's legacy is stupid.

Senate Approves Federal Welfare for Second Amendment Men

Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 01:05PM

In a rare show of bipartisanship between Republicans, blue dogs, and embattled Democrats facing tight elections, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a bizarre plan to use federal funds to encourage shooting on public land and exempt lead bullets from pollution guidelines.

Coca-Cola Basically Owns the Grand Canyon

Adrian Chen · 11/10/11 10:16AM

Some Grand Canyon National Park officials had the great idea to ban bottled water at the park. But, oops, the ban was called off after Park superiors had a friendly chat with major national parks donor Coca-Cola.