
Do Democrats Have a Plan for the Next Hostage Crisis?

Jim Newell · 08/04/11 02:24PM

Congressional Republicans have become quite talented at taking legislative "hostages" at crucial junctures, making extreme demands, unifying behind them, and ultimately rolling Democrats into embracing horrible pieces of legislation. Maybe it's time for Democrats to come up with a plan for this sort of thing. So are they? Sorta.

Gabby Giffords Returns to Washington to Vote for Debt Ceiling Bill

Max Read · 08/01/11 06:09PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House of Representatives on Monday, receiving a standing ovation and enthusiastically greeting her colleagues after casting her vote (her first since being shot in January) for the debt ceiling bill, which passed 269-161.

No One Wants to Have a Fun Camp David Sleepover Party with Obama

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 01:21PM

President Obama, who deservedly hates his life right now, extended congressional leaders an invitation to his swanky mountain retreat at Camp David as a way to finish debt ceiling negotiations in private. But maybe also as a way to get drunk and party in the mountains? We're just trying to figure out a compelling reason to allow so many assholes into your vacation home. But no one wants to go, anyway. Ouch!

Democrats Stunned by Latest White House Debt Proposal

Jim Newell · 07/07/11 02:41PM

Multiple senior House Democratic aides tell TPM that caucus members were caught off guard by news stories about President Obama's push for deeper deficit and spending reductions — and particularly about the White House's willingness to cut Social Security as part of a grand bargain to raise the debt limit.

Nancy Pelosi Calls for Weiner Ethics Investigation

Adrian Chen · 06/06/11 05:10PM

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to make sure Anthony Weiner didn't use any of your tax dollars to send pics of his dick to a half-dozen women over the years. She's calling for an Ethics Committee investigation into "whether any official resources were used or any other violation of House rules occurred." What, you didn't think we were done with Weinergate, did you?

Nancy Pelosi Partied With JFK 50 Years Ago

Jim Newell · 01/21/11 03:32PM

Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's inauguration. How did you celebrate? Nancy Pelosi, for one, posted a photo of her with Kennedy at an inaugural ball on January 20, 1961. It's the one on the left, duh.

Nancy Pelosi Abdicates on Twitter

Ryan Tate · 01/04/11 07:28PM

Nancy Pelosi changed her Twitter handle from @SpeakerPelosi to @NancyPelosi within hours of the House's new Republican leadership being sworn in, probably because @MinorityLeaderPelosi sounds lame. But least she can taunt politicians with actual power more efficiently now.

Former Terrible NFL QB May Run Against Nancy Pelosi

Jim Newell · 11/12/10 05:06PM

Do any Democrats dare challenge the omnipotent Nancy Pelosi for minority leader? Well, one ultra-conservative Blue Dog who's technically a Democrat may, if that counts. He's North Carolina Rep. Heath Shuler: Inexperienced backbencher. Legendarily shitty NFL quarterback. Democratic party savior?

Fox and Friends: Where Art is Dead

Chris Dignes · 06/01/10 02:04PM

Fox and Friends disparaged Nancy Pelosi's ideas after her recent envisioning of health care reform easing artistic burden. The friends seem to think "health care reform" means "failed artists become destitute welfare check recipients and ruin the American economy."