
"Hot" Straight Men Of Book Publishing, Round One

Emily Gould · 06/29/07 02:52PM

Our mailbag runneth over with email about our effort to find the hottest straight man in book publishing, but actual photos of hotties are few and far between. What gives, ladies? Well, as it turns out, a lot of you just want to vent your spleens about how there aren't any cute straight men in publishing, and how the ones who do exist so totally know it and are such dicks. Gals, you don't know how good you have it! Try working in blogging—it is just as gay-infested, and there is no HR dept to stop them from IMimg you at 7:45 a.m. with the gory details of last night's conquest(s). Anyway. After the jump, we've got our first round of hotties for your perusal. Remember: we're looking for the skinniest girl at fat camp here, people. Oh, and please do continue to send us your submissions. Editorial only, please include jpgs!