
Once Again, Katherine Heigl Publicly Trashes Her Job

Richard Lawson · 06/12/08 11:53AM

Katherine Heigl, so likable for those precious few days after Knocked Up, continues to encourage us to hate her. First the Grey’s Anatomy star publicly criticized Knocked Up in a Vanity Fair interview, saying that the film “paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight.” Whether that’s true or not (I think it might be), it read as pissy and ungrateful. It was an insight best left out of a national magazine. Then she appeared to be a bossy and demanding friend in a video of her and bestie/Grey’s Anatomy costar T.R. Knight. And now the Emmy-winner has declined to enter herself in this year’s Emmy race because she feels her material on Grey’s was just not up to snuff.