
Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/15 02:28PM

A public meeting about building a new mosque in Spotsylvania County, Virginia degenerated into two men shouting down a Muslim engineer, yelling “Every one of you are terrorists.” Frankly, American Muslims would be safer if they were all heavily armed.

Not Surprisingly, Vast Majority of Republican Voters in North Carolina Agree: A Muslim Should Not Be President

Tessa Stuart · 09/29/15 06:57PM

Remember when Ben Carson said, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that” and some people were like, “Haha, what a dope—hasn’t that guy ever heard of the Constitution, which explicitly states ‘no religious test’ will ever be applied to anyone running for public office in these United States?”

Screw Sharia: Godlessness Is Creeping Across America

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/15 02:28PM

Perhaps you’re concerned about the rise of Islam in American life. Or the rising influence of evangelical Christians who express concern about the rise of Islam. It may surprise you to learn that America’s fastest-growing religious demographic is people who just don’t give a shit.

Texas Rep. Asks Muslims to Swear They're Real, Anti-Terrorist Americans

Jay Hathaway · 01/29/15 05:30PM

Hooray, it's Texas Muslim Capitol Day! It's that one special day of the year when Muslim residents of Texas come to Austin to learn about political activism, have civil discussions with their representatives about issues that are important to them, hear a small group of angry protesters shout "Go home!" and "Jesus is the lord!" at them, and have a legislator demand that they swear a loyalty oath to prove they're real Americans. Oh boy!

Taylor Berman · 06/19/14 08:25AM

A Muslim man waits outside a closed shop in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Muslims throughout the country's capital have shut down their stores to protest recent attacks by hard-line Buddhists. Photo by Eranga Jayawardena/Associated Press)

Heritage Foundation Panelists Mock Muslim Student During Benghazi Q&A

Allie Jones · 06/17/14 10:00AM

On Monday, the Heritage Foundation held a panel to discuss — what else — the September 2012 terrorist attack on U.S. embassy facilities in Benghazi, Libya. When a Muslim law student identified herself as such and asked how the U.S. can fight an "ideological" war against radical Islam with weapons, ACT! America's Brigitte Gabriel responded by comparing Muslims to Nazis.

Hopey and Changey: Iran's New President and the Vatican's New Pope

Ken Layne · 09/20/13 02:28PM

A good way to routinely bum yourself out is to set "Google News" as your Internet home page. But last night, something magical happened on that usual grid of gloom: The top stories were good news: Pope Francis and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, the elderly men recently chosen to lead their respective communities, had again made headlines for words of kindness and reconciliation.

Citi Bike Is a Nazi-Muslim Plan to Firebomb New York City

Max Read · 06/05/13 03:12PM

Decades after the U.S. and British Air Forces firebombed the German city of Dresden to the ground, its citizens have finally taken their revenge by filling New York with so-called "modern firebombs": bicycles.

Here Is Your Tasteless Muslim Terror-Bomber Birthday Greeting Card

Adam Weinstein · 05/03/13 09:07PM

Walking through a Chicago store, a Muslim activist spotted the perfect birthday card for the Fox News-hounds in our lives, featuring an adorable hijab-wearing doll with an explosive secret. Why is a tasteless greeting card newsworthy? Well, it turns out there's a little more going on behind the veil here.

Local Official Defends "Humorous" Facebook Post About Shooting Muslims

Adam Weinstein · 05/01/13 08:40AM

Barry West, a commissioner for Coffee County, Tennessee, apparently thinks there's only one appropriate way to wink at a Muslim, and it involves a double-barreled shotgun. He posted the above image to his Facebook timeline...where Muslim activists found it. And West's home phone number.

This Is What It's Like to Be a Muslim in Boston Right Now

Camille Dodero · 04/24/13 12:55PM

When Anum Hussain heard about the Boston Marathon bombing, she immediately panicked, worried that the culprits would be like her. The 22-year-old Muslim was in the offices of Hubspot, the Cambridge marketing-software company she works for full-time. As her coworkers frantically rushed to call loved ones who'd been out watching the marathon that day, she was glued to the TV, fearing what she might learn about potential suspects. “My heart was beating fast, just praying that this person didn't turn out to be Muslim,” she recalled. “I knew that if they were, all hell was going to break loose.”

Muslim 4th-Grader Sends Cutest-Ever Letter to Santa

Max Read · 12/13/12 11:27AM

What would you ask Santa if you were a fourth-grader? What if you'd never written to him before, because you're Muslim? There's some things you'd want to clear up, right? Things like... how. This kid did a pretty good job, though: