
Lady Gaga's 'Judas' Video Hits the Internet

Brian Moylan · 05/05/11 10:57AM

Pop music thingamajig Lady Gaga made two music videos for her song "Judas," one set to debut tonight during American Idol and another tonight on E! News Daily. Well, one of those (most likely the shorter Idol version) found its way onto the internet this morning. Enjoy!

Lady Gaga Performs Her New Single 'Judas' for the First Time

Matt Cherette · 04/29/11 12:18AM

If you're a Lady Gaga fan and just can't wait until the music video for "Judas"—her new, dance-ready single—premieres on American Idol next week, consider this your temporary fix: On today's Ellen, a big-haired, blue latex-wrapped Gaga was joined by a cavalcade of male dancers for the song's first televised performance. And you know what? It was pretty damn good.

Fictional Made-for-TV Movie Band Tops Pop Charts

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 11:19AM

I am old, crotchety, and weary of the complexities of modern life. So I am not a trustworthy judge of kids these days. But when one of the best-selling bands in America is just the imaginary band starring in a Disney made-for-TV movie...that's messed up, right?

Watch the Backstreet Boys Embarrass Themselves on Dancing with the Stars

Matt Cherette · 04/27/11 02:57AM

In case you haven't been reliving your teenage years recently, here's some news: New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys recently formed some sort of washed-up boy band supergroup called NKOTBSB. They're touring together this summer! And on Tuesday night's Dancing with the Stars results show, each group performed one of their biggest hits.

Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex Dies at 53

Jeff Neumann · 04/26/11 06:29AM

Sad news today: Former singer of British punk band X-Ray Spex, Poly Styrene died last night in London of cancer. From her Twitter account: "We can confirm that the beautiful Poly Styrene, who has been a true fighter, won her battle on Monday evening to go to higher places." Last month, talking to the BBC about her latest solo album, she said "I know I'll probably be remembered for 'Oh Bondage Up Yours!'. I'd like to remembered for something a bit more spiritual." [NME]

The Most Unique Nursery Rhyme You'll Ever Hear

Matt Cherette · 04/26/11 01:08AM

On Saturday night's episode of Britain's Got Talent, the audience was treated to the most pleasantly unexpected piece of nostalgia they'd witnessed in awhile when 35-year-old schoolteacher Edward Reid took the stage to perform a dramatic medley of nursery rhymes we all grew to love as kids. If this doesn't make you smile, then nothing will.

Black Eyed Peas Apparently Have Standards

Richard Lawson · 04/22/11 04:30PM

William (put the periods in yourself if you want) of stink-pop band the Black Eyed Peas says the group doesn't perform their hit "My Humps" in concert anymore because they think it's silly. "It wasn't lyrical miracles," William said. Luckily "Don't Phunk With My Heart" remains in rotation. [NYM, photo via Getty]

Here's Katy Perry and Kanye West's Odd American Idol Performance

Matt Cherette · 04/21/11 10:57PM

On tonight's American Idol results show, plastic bagged songbird Katy Perry appeared to grace us with her underwhelming live voice during an alien-themed performance of "ET," her new duet with Kanye West. Then West himself showed up—fur vest and all—though nobody seemed to even notice.

Rebecca Black Has a Message for All You Haters

Matt Cherette · 04/21/11 09:24PM

On tonight's Extra, Rebecca Black talked to Mario Lopez about the death threats that have been made against her because of her annoyingly popular song, "Friday." Black said she just was surprised that some people were taking it so seriously: "Yeah, um, I think that's kind of weird. Like, why would you, it's a song! Like, it's not like I ran for President and then I said something really bad."

Here's the Weird Al Lady Gaga Parody That Almost Never Was

Matt Cherette · 04/20/11 09:39PM

Weird Al Yankovic recently recorded "Perform This Way," a parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," after the pop diva demanded to hear it before allowing him include it on his next album. But in a blog post today, Yankovic angrily revealed that Gaga had put the kibosh on his homage. Or did she?

Live: American Idol's Top 7 Perform

Matt Cherette · 04/20/11 06:53PM

It's that time again! Tonight—from 8:00 to 9:30 PM, live on FOX—this season's American Idol Top 7 will perform for the judges' critiques and our votes. Want in on the action? Your open thread is inside.

Beyoncé's New Single Is All Kinds of Bad

Brian Moylan · 04/19/11 12:37PM

I'm not going to try to pretend like I'm all above loving a Beyoncé song (even after hearing "Single Ladies" seven quadrillion times, it's still a jam), but her newest single "Girls (Who Run the World)"—which was leaked on the internet like all other hotly anticipated singles—sucks. I mean, it sucks really bad.

Rebecca Black Working on New EP

Max Read · 04/16/11 10:36AM

Famous internet meme Rebecca Black is, according to TMZ, putting together an EP with producer Charlton Pettus (pictured), best known for working, in the 90s, with the guy from Tears for Fears who didn't write any of their good songs. So, yes, it will probably be bad, but not in the same wonderful way as "Friday" was. Also, she will probably not cover "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," which is too bad, because, when all is said and done, that's a pretty good song. In related news, police are investigating two threats made against Black.

Live: American Idol's Top 8 Perform

Matt Cherette · 04/13/11 06:15PM

It's that time again! Tonight—from 8:00 to 9:30 PM, live on FOX—this season's American Idol Top 8 will perform for the judges' critiques and our votes. Want in on the action? Your open thread is inside.