'NY Post' To Audition All Photogs
Doree Shafrir · 06/29/07 11:30AM
Earlier this week, a number of local freelance photojournalists received a curious email from New York Post photo editor David Boyle. It started by saying that the paper pays its freelance photographers "based on experience and equipment." Then Boyle went on to say that the paper was doing an "equipment audit," and as such, needed all of its freelancers to come in—with all of their equipment—to be inspected by Boyle and his deputies. Oh, and Boyle also wanted these photographers—who, remember, have presumably already been shooting for the Post—to "carry out a simulated assignment." The photogs who received this missive were, predictably, not amused; one photojournalism blog ranted, "What the hell does the fact that YOU are going to an equipment audit have to do with calling in freelancer's gear, unless you think they stole from you when you were practicing your home team cheers from days gone by and weren't minding the store?" Good point! The email follows.