
Black and Latino People Should Thank Coca-Cola for Targeting Them, Says Ad Guy

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/12 09:26AM

There are few things more delightful than waking up on an average Monday morning here in Post-Racial America to the following real headline from a column in Ad Age: "Hats Off to the Soft-Drink Industry for Giving Attention to Hispanics and Blacks." Hats off to you, marketers of nutrition-free sugar water! You are trying to sell your product to minorities. You are all the real heroes.

Nascar Welcomes You, Hispanic People

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/12 11:11AM

Hey, non-white Americans: Are You Ready for Some Nascar™? You will be exclaiming ¡si! as soon as Nascar gets this big new multimillion-dollar ad campaign underway. The folks at Nascar have big plans to "attract a multicultural fan base (specifically among Hispanics)."

You're Messing Up Our Neat Little Racial Categories

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 11:50AM

What has happened to the neat and tidy racial divisions placed unto our planet by god himself? I'll tell you what's happened to them: lots of fucking. We can no longer tell who's what just by looking! We can no longer trust our suburban redoubts to be lily-white! We can no longer make convenient racial jokes secure in the knowledge that no one in listening range belongs to one of the ethnicities being mocked! Nooooooo!

American Apparel For Afrikans

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/08 03:58PM

You thought that all American Apparel clothing was inspired by Dov Charney's endless parade of sexual fantasies? Not true. Some of it is inspired by Africa! Or as Bambaataa and fey hipsters spell it, Afrika. Is it bad that the company doesn't use any black models for these products? It might be worse if they did use black models, actually. Check out more of this season's most authentic adornments for those in the struggle, after the jump. Real hipsters still have their Cross Colours from '92:

TMZ Shows Off Knowledge Of Idiots, Ethnology

Richard Lawson · 03/05/08 03:55PM

This is an in-house ad that is currently running on gossip site TMZ. Pareene hopes that next we'll meet the "Oriental" Ashley Tisdale. I'm hoping for the "Swarthy" Jonas Brothers. (Click for larger)