Lindsay Lohan Pays Her 84 Minute Debt To Society
seth · 11/15/07 05:34PM
Trailing the troubled starlet jail-time land speed record set by Nicole Richie in August of this year by two minutes, Lindsay Lohan checked in and out of the the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood this morning in a still-respectable 84 minutes, after being denied parole at the 37-minute mark. By the time the broken actress was retrieved mid-push-up from her solitary confinement cell, its walls covered in bundles of striked-out scratches counting down the long minutes to her release, any remnants of the Lindsay we knew were all but drained from her once vibrant, if glassy, eyes. We've included the notorious cokepant-wearing Denalijacker's mugshot, in which she looks suspiciously full-lipped and tan for someone on the inside; then again, it's amazing what you can accomplish by bribing a guard to punch your in the mouth and bathing in smuggled orange Kool-Aid.