
The Morning After: Will Smith ScientologyGate Continues

Molly Friedman · 03/19/08 11:00AM

Immediately after our exclusive story that executives at Sony attempted to squash an story about Will Smith's alleged involvement with Scientology ran last night, Defamer received an email from the news team stating the following: "We have now heard from Sony - furious that someone at is claiming that they asked us to kill the piece." Shortly thereafter, they updated their original story to include a denial that they had ever been contacted by Sony. As any faithful entertainment news follower is well aware, it is standard practice for media big guns to play the denial card as soon as any poor press hits. However, it is important to note that we here at Defamer are standing by the accuracy of our item; we will not be pressured into pulling it down.

Insiders say no way on sale

Nicholas Carlson · 02/02/08 09:00PM

Some take umbrage with our report suggesting buying Yahoo forces Microsoft to sell to NBC. These sources claim earns more money than Yahoo News and they'd be surprised to see Microsoft divest itself from such a profitable property. And where there's money, there's motive to renegotiate the contract that restricts what Microsoft can do in the news business.

Yahoo deal spells a sale for

Nicholas Carlson · 02/01/08 07:00PM

"I shudder to think about a and Yahoo News integration," a source formerly employed by both companies in the proposed Microsoft-Yahoo merger tell us. The "cultures," she says, "will be really tough to integrate." In that case, we're happy to report the good news: There's no way it will happen. Legally, Microsoft can't keep both news sites, and if it has to choose between the two, Yahoo News would be its natural choice.