
Marathon Bombing Suspect Has Been Arrested and Is In Custody But Has Not Been Arrested and May Not Exist

Kate Bennert · 04/17/13 02:02PM

This is what has been happening on cable news for the past few hours: After insisting that they had confirmation from two separate sources that an arrest had been made in the marathon bombing, and while ignoring reports from nearly every other source that said otherwise, CNN was forced to admit that there were then three sources telling them that no arrest had been made and just recently changed their report status to "conflicted." Meanwhile, there were several different descriptions of the "suspect" that was never identified in the first place in is not at all in custody but might be for all we know.

Conservative 'Media Watchdog' Thinks MSNBC Anchor's Skin Is Too Light to Be Called African-American

Cord Jefferson · 04/02/13 05:55PM

Former Democratic strategist Karen Finney, who was once the first African-American spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, was revealed today to be the new host of a 4 p.m. weekend show on MSNBC. Good for her, and good for MSNBC, which adds Finney, pictured at left, to an already diverse roster of talking heads that includes Chris Hayes, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Al Sharpton.

Everybody is Mad at Touré For Supporting Obama's Drone Wars

Jordan Sargent · 02/05/13 08:40PM

Touré (pictured above interviewing T.I.) is a fine writer — or at least he was at one point. Now he mostly spends his time as a helium-filled talking head, floating drably across MSNBC's midday airwaves. This is a pretty cushy job, seeing as you can say basically anything without anyone giving a shit since the only people watching cable news during the day are those being crushed to death by boredom in lobbies across the country. But there's a catch: when you get paid to talk in circles every day, sometimes you'll find yourself arguing a position you probably should not be arguing. And if you're stubborn enough and your argument is stupid enough — you are on cable news, after all — then you might find yourself in the center of a firestorm.

Al Roker Loses His Shit (Metaphorically This Time) After Meeting Joe Biden

Kate Bennert · 01/21/13 06:15PM

Not to be forgotten, Al Roker—TV news correspondent, Today Show weatherman, and White House sharter—made everyone uncomfortable again today when he shouted insanely at the President and Vice President until they acknowledged his existence. "I love Joe Biden," said Al Roker, as he rocked back and forth like a small child waiting in line for the bathroom. Biden, ever-suave, ducked out of the parade to shake Mr. Roker's hand and that was that.

Pundits, Platitudes, and Patriotism: War Heroes and Their Enemies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/12 03:00PM

On Sunday, MSNBC host Chris Hayes said the following, in a discussion about war, soldiers, and death: "It is, I think, very difficult to talk about the war dead, the fallen, without invoking valor, without invoking the word 'heroes'... I feel uncomfortable about the word 'hero' because it seems to me it is so rhetorically proximate to justification for more war... it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic."

Don't Act Like You Just Found Out Pat Buchanan Is Racist, You Hypocrites

Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 10:00AM

Former Nixonite and coonskin cap-wearing sometime presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has always been a racist relic who appealed mostly to those caveman-like Americans anxious for a return to the Andrew Jackson era. Always. There has never been a time, during his long career as a smiley pundit, in which he was not a racist. So. Although it's kind of nice that he's been suspended by MSNBC, it's the media equivalent of giving all the homeless people in your city a one-way bus ticket just as long as the Olympics are in town.

Nobody Asked Michele Bachmann or Meghan McCain to Prom

Maureen O'Connor · 12/01/11 04:00PM

In her new role as MSNBC's junior nepotism correspondent (reporting to senior nepotism correspondent Luke Russert) Meghan McCain interviewed Michele Bachmann. Among Meghan's hard-hitting questions: What were you like high school?

The 'Best' Ad Yet from MSNBC's 'Lean Forward' Campaign

Jim Newell · 11/23/11 12:51PM

Gather round, cable news promotional campaign junkies, because here's the latest ad from MSNBC's esteemed "Lean Forward" series — starring Al Sharpton! How do the suits go about portraying him as a common sense problem-solving liberal? Ed Schultz, for example, sips coffee in a crappy diner or wanders around a shipyard muttering to himself about labor, while Rachel Maddow stands next to a dam and says "how 'bout that dam." Only Al Sharpton, though, gets to scream about pie.