Contraband: Mark Wahlberg Sure Is Angry
Richard Lawson · 09/30/11 12:01PMHere's a trailer for the upcoming thriller Contraband, one of those he-got-out but he needs to get-back-in thrillahs that are just pretty damn by the book at this point.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close: Tom Hanks Is Dead
Richard Lawson · 09/29/11 10:29AMHere's a trailer for the upcoming holiday weepy Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, a movie about 9/11 based on the same-titled literary gewgaw by Jonathan Safran Foer. It's about a magical little boy doing magical things.
New Year's Eve: Worst Holiday Ever
Richard Lawson · 09/28/11 12:16PMHere's a new full-length trailer for the upcoming ensemble romcom New Year's Eve, director Garry Marshall's second attempt, after the catastrophe that was Valentine's Day, to tap into Love Actually's sprawling charm. Yuck.
The Human Centipede 2: Misery Loves Company
Matt Cherette · 09/28/11 01:23AMHere's a trailer for The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, the sequel to Tom Six's 2009 torture porn shocker. The movie revolves around a creepy fat guy's obsession with—and attempt to recreate—the experiment depicted in the original film. And by "experiment," I mean "the ass-to-mouth sewing together of three people." But since sequels always outdo their predecessors, the psychopath in Full Sequence rounds the number of victims up from three to a dozen. Is it any surprise the movie's already been banned in the UK?
Let's Cool It With the Zombies for a While, Huh?
Richard Lawson · 09/27/11 05:06PMMan On a Ledge: Sam Worthington's Haircut and Other Mysteries
Richard Lawson · 09/27/11 12:31PMHere's a trailer for the thriller Man On a Ledge, which is about a woman in a ditch. No, just kidding, it's about a man on a ledge.
Let's Make Brian Geraghty a Star
Richard Lawson · 09/26/11 04:45PMBig Miracle: Drew Barrymore Saves the Whales
Richard Lawson · 09/26/11 03:19PMHere's a trailer for Big Miracle, a true-life story of a bunch of people who got together to save some whales. Because everybody loves whales. In fact, the movie used to be called Everybody Loves Whales.
Catwoman's Ears to Ruin Dark Knight Series?
Richard Lawson · 09/26/11 01:32PMJoyful Noise: Dolly and Queen in Musical Heaven
Richard Lawson · 09/26/11 12:05PMHere's a trailer for Joyful Noise, the new church choir movie (yes) that stars Queen Latifah (yes!) and Dolly Parton (yessssssss!). So basically this is the buchest, straightest movie of the year!
One for the Money: Katherine Heigl Ruins Another Genre
Matt Cherette · 09/25/11 11:33PMHere's the trailer for One for the Money, an upcoming action comedy adapted from the 1994 novel by Janet Evanovich. Out January 27, the movie stars Katherine Heigl as an obnoxious New Jersey girl named Stephanie Plum, who—after losing both her husband and her job—decides to make ends meet by becoming a bounty hunter, because obviously. It also features Sherri Shepherd as a hungry prostitute and Debbie Reynolds as the requisite dinner table turkey-shooting grandma. So kooky and likable, just like Katherine Heigl!
Weekend: The Best Damn Romantic Movie in a Long Time
Brian Moylan · 09/23/11 02:26PM
We're so trained to watch romantic movies that are of the dreaded rom-com variety—with its silly conventions, outlandish plots, and preternaturally good-looking people—that seeing something that is familiar and real is not only shocking and disorienting, but really rewarding. Weekend is a movie just like that.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: Stark Swedish Sex
Richard Lawson · 09/22/11 09:49AMHere's the first full trailer for David Fincher's adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, the runaway airport-read sensation that, in its original Swedish, was called Men Who Hate Women. This trailer hints at why.
J. Edgar: The Puttying of Leonardo DiCaprio
Richard Lawson · 09/20/11 10:34AMHere's a trailer for J. Edgar, the Clint Eastwood biopic of the original G-Man, J. Edgar Hoover. Here the gradually Brandoing actor Leonardo DiCaprio plays the conflicted and controversial man, with plenty of heavy accent and face putty.
It's 1994 All Over Again
Richard Lawson · 09/19/11 10:49AMSee Halle Berry Interpretive-Dance With, Hide From Cars
Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 05:00PMWhat's Opening in Theaters This Weekend
Richard Lawson · 09/16/11 05:00PMPremium Rush: Bike Messengers Are People Too
Richard Lawson · 09/16/11 08:49AMHere's a trailer for Premium Rush, the New York thriller movie that features Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a fast-pedalin' bike messenger caught up in some gnarly intrigue. Whoa, man, slow down!
We Bought a Zoo: Can This Cameron Crowe Be Saved?
Richard Lawson · 09/14/11 02:30PMHere's a trailer for We Bought a Zoo, Cameron Crowe's based-on-a-true-story tale of a single father who, well, up and buys a damn zoo. It's a family repair drama and one that, based on this trailer, doesn't skimp on schmaltz.