
Sony Is Putting The Interview on YouTube Today

Sam Biddle · 12/24/14 11:05AM

Have you ever rented a movie on YouTube? Of course not—but if you feel like watching the controversial (and by all indications, very mediocre) assassination comedy The Interview, you might have to give Google your credit card. (UPDATED)

BOOM YEAH YEAH Entourage Movie Trailer YEAH YEAH

Dayna Evans · 12/23/14 02:15PM

Vincent Chase, you mad dog. You're making the movie? You made the movie. We made the movie, bro. For everyone who has been waiting, here is the trailer for the forthcoming Entourage movie, directed by Doug Ellin. We made the movie.

Dear Sony, We'll Screen The Interview For You

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/14 05:10PM

Faceless hackers—reportedly sponsored by a brutal regime —have succeeded in striking so much fear into the movie industry that nobody will show The Interview. Well, not us. We'd like to formally offer to show it.

What Are Your Favorite Movies to Watch During the Holidays? 

Aleksander Chan · 12/12/14 03:21PM

There is no finer tradition in this great country of ours than sitting on our asses and watching TV. And with the holiday season upon us, it's prime time to couch with your extended family. You guys probably watch the same movies every year. What are they?

How Much Do Executions Cost?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/14 09:58AM

In this clip from the upcoming documentary The Penalty, experts on all sides of the capital punishment issue discuss the astronomical amount of money required to execute people in America.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 04:36PM

"The Equalizer" is a new gangster movie set in Boston. "Boston is a city of venerable neighborhoods, rich cultural history and academic distinction... So how did the meditative crime drama become the most consistent motif for Boston in the movies?" Probably because of boring wack people.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/14 11:39AM

Regarding yesterday's shockingly racist Straight Outta Compton casting call, Universal Pictures said in a statement that "the filmmakers ... did not approve and do not condone the information in this casting notice. We regret and sincerely apologize for being in any way associated with the offensive descriptions it contained." They did not say they've stopped working with the casting agency.

The Rumored Plot Details of Jurassic World Sound Absurd

Aleksander Chan · 05/20/14 02:40PM

Because you monsters continue to insist we need these bloated, thinly-plotted blockbusters based on previous blockbusters you liked two decades ago, the latest rumored plot details of the new Jurassic World are definitely not surprising, but absolutely sound dumb.