
It's Mother's Day, In Case You Forgot

Ravi Somaiya · 05/09/10 09:20AM

Consider this a public service announcement. The least you could do is call the woman who is 50 per cent responsible for your existence and (probably) genuinely cares when she asks how you are.

Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts: A Guide

Richard Lawson · 05/07/10 03:31PM

Sunday is Mother's Day, guys. Did you forget?? Well don't worry, you still have two more days to get something nice for the lady what made you. Here are our guaranteed-to-please gift ideas.

Eating & Drinking: Thursday Edition

cityfile · 05/07/09 06:03PM

• A roundup of restaurants that just opened, or will be very shortly. [Eater]
• The U.S. struck a deal with the European Union and has agreed to drop its proposed tariff on things like Roquefort cheese and Spanish ham. [WSJ]
• A few more places to consider taking your mom for Mother's Day. [GS]
• A high school in Queens has opened a student-operated restaurant. [NYDN]
• Possibly NYC's cleanest (and priciest) butcher shop just opened. [GS]
• Wouldn't it be nice if In-N-Out came to New York? Keep dreaming. [TFB]

Moms to Admire: Sarah Palin and Jenny McCarthy

cityfile · 05/07/09 09:59AM

Mother's Day is right around the corner, and to honor those who have sacrificed so much only to watch in horror at the rotten people we've since become, Adecco Group—"the largest staffing agency in the world"—asked a bunch of people about the moms they admire most. (Do note that just because it's a temp agency that did the survey, that should not suggest that motherhood is a temporary occupation. It isn't. Well, not usually.) In any event, the survey asked working moms, working dads and working non-parents to answer this question of great importance, and unsurprisingly, all three groups picked Michelle Obama as the most admired mom in America. But then the results get a little screwy! Apparently, Sarah Palin—yes, really—came up No. 2 for two of the three groups. And Jenny McCarthy (above), who has always gone out of her way to set a good example, is the fourth most admired mom in America. The list/press release that will instantly undermine your faith in the future of this country is below.

Eating & Drinking: Tuesday Edition

cityfile · 05/05/09 04:54PM

• The New York City outpost of Govind Armstrong's Table 8 opens tomorrow evening inside the Cooper Square Hotel. [Eater, Zagat]
• Now that Todd English is out, The Libertine has hired itself a new chef. [Zagat]
Robert De Niro's universally reviled Ago has officially shuttered. [Eater]
• Some suggestions on where to take your mom for Mother's Day. [Zagat]
• Pinkberry is now making deliveries; a $10 minimum is required. [Crain's]
• Places to go to drink yourself into oblivion in honor of Cinco de Mayo. [GS]

Happy Mother's Day!

ian spiegelman · 05/11/08 11:10AM

From dirty pillows to wire hangers, Rotten Tomatoes is rating the worst moms in movie history, complete with video goodness. Oh, they list the best moms too, but so what? My personal choice after the jump.

Ruth Reichl Disses Mom, Too

Ryan Tate · 05/06/08 04:07AM

OK, this is way worse than Candice Bergen not crying at her mom's funeral earlier tonight: "Gourmet editor in chief [Ruth Reichl] told attendees... that her mother 'was everything I didn't want to be, and to this day I wake up every morning grateful not to be her...' Penguin Press, inspired by Reichl's speech, has signed a contract with her to write a tome about the meaning of motherhood past and present." [WWD]

'WSJ' Tells Bizarre Yo Momma Joke

Jon · 05/13/07 06:16PM

As if you needed more proof that the weekend media scene, such as it exists, is run by oedipally challenged vulgarians, we present the above close-up of the Journal's Personal Finance section front page. Yes, talk to Mom about the Street in a language she'll understand—the language of mammaries!

Facing Murdoch Menace, 'Pursuits' Valiantly Soldiers On With Gifts For Mom

Jon · 05/06/07 03:44PM

With a courage not witnessed in these parts since the Queen and Winston Churchill and Rudy Giuliani saved London during the Blitz, this weekend's Pursuits section shows the rest of the WSJ how to go on living with editorial integrity even as the barbarians near the gates. Indeed, "happily married...but not to each other" assistant managing editors Alan Murray and Laura Landro submit another hard-hitting "He Shops, She Shops" gift advice column, this time for the occasion of Mother's Day. Oh NO! Is today Mother's Day?! Nope, that's next weekend. But, no matter. One senses that pleasing Mom is mostly about thumbing a nose at abusive megalomaniac potential Stepdad — that is to say, Rupert Murdoch.