
David French: Donald Trump's Campaign Threatened My Wife

Sam Biddle · 06/07/16 10:05AM

David French, who mounted a third party presidential campaign for several days last week, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe variety show this morning for some reason, and said the Trump campaign tried to menace his wife and spook him out of running.

A Brief Note on the Donald Trump/Joe Scarborough Feud

Alex Pareene · 05/06/16 03:00PM

As has been often noted this election cycle, Donald Trump is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. Trump and WWE founder Vince McMahon have known each other since 1988, and worked together frequently. But in 2007, Trump and McMahon pretended to be bitter rivals, culminating in Trump shaving McMahon’s head on pay-per-view TV. This was all play-acting, or “work” as its known in professional wrestling. In real life, Trump and McMahon were friends, and the feud was mutually beneficial to both.

Joe Scarborough, Paragon of Political Courage, Bravely Denounces Donald Trump

J.K. Trotter · 02/29/16 10:46AM

Joe Scarborough—former Republican Congressman, current co-host of Morning Joe, and erratic political columnist—has a complicated relationship with Donald Trump, who lifts the ratings of his morning MSNBC show but is also a bigot and maybe an actual fascist. Trump has even called Scarborough and his co-host Mika Brzezinski “supporters” and “believers” in his campaign—an understandable statement, given the free publicity Morning Joe has offered the Republican frontrunner. But now Scarborough, writing in The Washington Post, seems to have suddenly soured on Trump...over Trump’s predictable refusal to disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan:

Which Reporter Has Copies of Hillary Clinton’s Secret Goldman Sachs Speeches?

J.K. Trotter · 02/22/16 12:15PM

In defiance of her supporters’ wishes, her critics’ open calls, and even her own promises, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton continues to block the publication of transcripts from the speeches she gave to several banks, including Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, in 2013 and 2014. According to MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski, however, Clinton may no longer have much of a choice.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Are Getting Just a Tiny Bit Unhinged Over All the Trump Criticism

Andy Cush · 02/19/16 11:26AM

Below, we have a 10-minute segment from today’s Morning Joe in which co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski address the criticism that they are too friendly with Donald Trump to cover him objectively. To give you a sense of the tenor of the video, Mika shouts about pizza within the first three minutes, and Joe closes it by whispering like a comic book villain.

Trump On Concerns His New Fan Putin Kills Journalists: "At Least He's a Leader"

Allie Jones · 12/18/15 10:25AM

In a news conference yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin called Donald Trump “a bright and talented person” and “the absolute leader of the presidential race.” Trump loved this, obviously. Today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, he declared, “When people call you brilliant it’s always good. Especially when the person heads up Russia.” Trump then proceeded to ham-handedly defend his new buddy Putin against accusations that he kills journalists.

Morning Joe Hosts Blame Rappers for SAE Frat's Racist Chants 

Allie Jones · 03/11/15 08:09AM

After SAE brothers at the University of Oklahoma were caught on tape gleefully chanting racist slurs this weekend, you might have thought, who would defend these men? Morning Joe hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough answered that rhetorical question this morning by suggesting that rappers are actually to blame for SAE's behavior.