
Did Mitt Romney Convert His Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to Mormonism?

John Cook · 01/26/12 12:56PM

One of the creepier corners of Mitt Romney's uncannily flawless life story is the fact that he not only drew his bride, Ann Romney, over to his weird religion: He converted her entire family as well. This despite the fact that Ann's father, Edward Davies, was a committed atheist who insisted on raising his children without religion.

Mormon College Objects to Skinny Jeans

Maureen O'Connor · 12/06/11 06:00PM

Updated. The first time I read this, I thought it was parody: Independent Brigham Young University publication The Student Review reports that BYU-Idaho has banned skinny jeans as part of its honor code guidelines against "form-fitting clothing." Skinny jeans: trousers of the devil? Don't tell Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney Is Impure, Going to Mormon Hell

Jim Newell · 11/21/11 05:09PM

Mitt Romney is a good Mormon, a model member really, who does not drink alcohol or coffee or smoke tobacco. Sorry, let me fix that: Mitt Romney was a good Mormon, or at least considerd such, until today. He's come clean and admitted that he has, in fact, imbibed death juice and — dare we say it? — puffed a death puffer. Another flip-flop, and one that could land him an eternity on whatever distant sulfuric planet it is (Delaware?) that they keep Mormon Hell on these days.

Where Is Hipness Occurring in America Today?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/11 12:35PM

The first rule of hipness is that hip people talk about "hipness" a lot. When you're around someone who uses the word "hip" a lot, well, you know that hipness is in the air, because nothing is hipper than bandying about the word "hip" as it relates to "hipness," in both writing and casual conversation.

Jon Huntsman Defends Mormonism, Speaks Mandarin to Stephen Colbert

Matt Cherette · 10/25/11 12:05AM

Jon Huntsman, aka the Mormon ex-governor running for the Republican nomination for president not named Mitt Romney, sat down with Stephen Colbert on tonight's Report, no doubt hoping to bump up his anemic poll numbers. And while Huntsman's defense of Mormonism (people will come around, just like they did in the '60s with JFK and Catholicism), concern about economic inequality in America, and demonstration of his fluency in Mandarin made for good television, it probably won't do him much good in shoring up support with the GOP's conservative base.

New Church for Single Mormons Offers Fun, Sexually Tense Times

Lauri Apple · 05/29/11 12:57PM

In Crystal City, a town just outside Washington, D.C. whose name makes it sound very magical and castle-filled, the marriage-centric Mormons have opened the nation's first singles-only worship place. It sounds really stressful.

Mormons Suspend Star Basketball Player for Having Sex

Brian Moylan · 03/03/11 06:31PM

Brandon Davies, star center for BYU's nationally-ranked basketball team, has been suspended for the rest of the season for breaking the Mormon school's honor code by having pre-marital sex. Davies apologized to his team this week. But the only thing he has to be sorry about is that he didn't pick a better school.

Marriott Is Banning Porn from Its Hotels

Brian Moylan · 01/21/11 06:36PM

Hotel giant Marriott won't be putting pay-per-view porn in any of its new rooms and says it plans to eventually phase out adult offerings altogether. What does the company have against porn?