Sesame Street Teaches Poor Kids: Educational TV Isn't for You Anymore
Tom Scocca · 08/14/15 03:33PMBrooklyn Teens Shocked That Spike Lee Likes Money
Jeff Neumann · 11/02/10 05:07AMDictator Kids Still Living Obscenely in the US, Report Says
Ravi Somaiya · 02/04/10 05:56AMErrol Morris Reveals Pay-For-Play Secrets of Documentary Success
STV · 04/22/08 03:25PM
We liked Errol Morris's new film Standard Operating Procedure just fine, and we hope he's right about his Abu Ghraib exploration's chances to buck the persistent Iraq-film box-office curse. We can't say, however, we're as eager to see it popularize the trend in Oscar-Winning Documentarians Paying For Interviews — a surprising and fairly icky career pattern Morris revealed at an SOP screening last week.
Exclusive: Brad Grey's Next Court Battle Could Involve Investor Backlash
STV · 03/26/08 01:53PM
While we're generally for keeping all-around courtroom bore Brad Grey out of Hollywood's legal spotlight in the future, a source tells Defamer that the Paramount boss and his Viacom overlords could face mutiny from hedge-funders unhappy with the way their studio investment is shaking out. Specifically, we hear the money men behind Melrose Partners — which joined the 'Mount in 2004 under the Sherry Lansing/Jonathan Dolgen regime — may take legal action challenging the underperformance of its $231 million equity fund after Grey came aboard in early 2005.