
Adam Weinstein · 05/22/14 04:25PM

There's a downtick in Second Amendment paranoia over gun-control legislation that never came to pass, and retailers are jittery about lower gun sales. Says one executive: "[W]e underestimated the decline."

$100 Bills Only Cause Trouble

Maureen O'Connor · 02/24/12 03:58PM

High-quality counterfeits of American $100 and $50 are keeping North Korea's economy afloat, The End of Money author David Wolman reports in Time. Estimates on Pyongyang's black market counterfeiting profits range from $15 to $25 million "to several hundred million dollars' worth" every year.

The Situation Is a Walking ATM

Brian Moylan · 08/23/10 04:03PM

Jersey Shore quote machine The Situation has reportedly signed up for ABC's Dancing with the Stars. With that gig, he'll probably make even more than the shocking $5 million he'll pull in this year. Where does the cash come from?

Courtney Love Would Like To Talk High Finance

Richard Lawson · 02/29/08 10:57AM

Crazy old Courtney Love continues to regale the internet with her drunken ramblings. This time the rock and/or roller rants at length, on a CitySearch page no less, about how New York accounting firm Altman, Greenfield, & Selvaggi has bilked her out of some money. "my forensic pyschiatrist looked at herbooks and declared Victoria Blake to be 'psychotic'", she keens. "Selvaggis justa bad guy, theres Beemers and ironically he opened a joint business account with an ex boyfriend who rana MASSIVE real estate scam involving unincoprated townships and convalescent homes through these accounts." Big words! She also mentions that members of Kurt Cobain's family have been nefariously cheated. Is it real? Is it fake? Either way real Courtney Love or fake Courtney Love has wayyy too much time on her hands. The full, bizarre missive after the jump.