
Who Had Monica Lewinsky Kicked Out of Al Gore's Box at Cannes?

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/29/15 01:15PM

According to a report in the Guardian, Monica Lewinsky came this close to sitting in the same box as Al Gore this weekend at Cannes before organizers wised up and tossed her out—narrowly averting a crisis, maybe, if this had happened in say, 1998. Mon dieu, quelle horreur. Can you even imagine?

Art Thieves Strike Again in France, Another Picasso Missing

Ravi Somaiya · 05/22/10 04:30PM

On Thursday art thieves broke into the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and stole $123m of paintings, including a Matisse and a Picasso. Yesterday two men got into the home of a collector in Marseille and stole five works.