
Woman Found Alive Two Weeks After Her Own Funeral

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 08/24/13 11:16AM

The family of Sharolyn Jackson was sure they had buried their loved one earlier this month. At the viewing, people thought her nose looked a little "thinner" than usual, but beyond that, everyone agreed they were burying the 50-year-old mother. Except that Jackson was found two weeks later, very much alive, in a Philadelphia hospital.

Woman Jailed 53 Days for Having the Name 'Teresa'

Lauri Apple · 10/19/11 04:55AM

A special message for all you Teresas out there: stay the hell out of Atlanta for a while. If you already live there, flee at once! Otherwise you could be arrested and jailed for almost two months because of your first name, like Teresa Culpepper was.

Woman Nearly Killed For Looking Like Casey Anthony

Seth Abramovitch · 07/15/11 03:17AM

There seems to be a rash of confusion lately over the identity of the one, true Casey Anthony. On Wednesday, some people seemed to think she was a black man living in a Philadelphia suburb. (His name is Casey Anthony, too.) Now we have the unfortunate case of Oklahoma resident Sammay Blackwell (pictured, right), who does look a little like Casey Anthony. (Not the black man, though — the white woman from Orlando acquitted of killing her daughter. You see how confusing this can get?)

Fox News Confuses Tina Fey with Sarah Palin

Maureen O'Connor · 06/06/11 12:06PM

Fox News accidentally revealed its deepest, darkest secret yesterday: The public figure known as "Sarah Palin" is actually an elaborate comedy sketch by Tina Fey. This clip from America's News HQ, in which Palin employer/promoter Fox News illustrates a Palin story with an image from Fey's Saturday Night Live Palin impression, pretty much proves it. Turns out Roger Ailes secretly wants to be Lorne Michaels. [Video via Crooks & Liars]