
How Not To Sell A Razor

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/08 09:31AM

There's not much to be said about this ad for HeadBlade, a nifty head-shaving product, except this: when you're putting a double entendre in your tagline about guys getting oral sex, do you want them to also associate that process with a blade? Seems a little too "John Wayne Bobbitt's most memorable razor" to cause a very positive psychological connection with the target audience. The full, misguided, gay-targeted ad, after the jump.

Ads For This Medicine Are Hurting Kittens!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/08 10:38AM

A tipster in Hell's Kitchen writes in to say that marketers for allergy medicine Zyrtec have been tearing down fliers in her neighborhood and replacing them with fake guerilla-style advertisements for their product. The worst part? "Yesterday there was a flyer for a missing kitten here, apparently they took it down and put this ad up." They are endangering kittens in order to make money. Simply despicable. Below, a picture of the fiendish ad—do not be taken in by its similarity to a flier offering guitar lessons.