
Downtown SF parties against the war Wednesday

Paul Boutin · 03/18/08 01:20PM

The fun starts at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. A brass band, bicycle activists, pirate radio DJs, snake marchers, guerrilla street theater, the inevitable giant puppets plus a few straggling poets from City Lights will conduct what they call a "direct action" to end the war in Iraq. They've helpfully provided instructions and a map of which downtown offices are "targeted" for sit-ins and handcuff-ins. The list skips over token local Republicans and focuses on power Dems Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, who'll hopefully explain how Karl Rove's Jedi mind tricks compelled them to support the war in Congress before they found a way to block the thought-control rays from Diebold's voting machines. Me, I'm just happy that activists have dropped their inane "M19" date format for events. We won't see confused stoners wandering Justin Herman Plaza on May 19.