
Millennials Are All: Fuck Driving

Leah Beckmann · 05/14/13 12:00PM

Welcome back to What's Hot and New with the Kidz, a recurring feature brought to you by the New York Times, a Montessori-school newsletter devoted to understanding the hot and new mindset of contemporary Kidz. Today's focus: Why won't my Millennial drive?

New York Times Junior: All Trend Pieces All The Time?

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/10/13 11:45AM

Imagine: a New York Times without articles about retirement or a Health section, no Gail Collins, and Paul Krugman wearing a bandana and a cool pair of shades. Endless trend pieces about the death of chivalry and instead of a Metro section, just something called BKLN. The Style section grows three times as large, and covers the same young literary darlings multiple times per edition ("They're young, Ivy-bred, have read Baudrillard, and love cigarettes. Totally boss.")

Burgeoning Genre Face-Off: "New Adult" vs. "Coming of Old Age"

Mallory Ortberg · 12/22/12 04:28PM

If there is one thing that brings joy to my heart, it is charting the growth of newly invented genres. You can argue over whether trend pieces about "new adult" fiction or "baby boomer" literature are describing truly original developments or ginned-up marketing terms with no relation to measurable changes in book-buying practices (in fact, our very own Katie Baker has already done so in a very neat analysis). But at a certain point the distinction becomes meaningless; talk about "new adult" fiction long enough and Amazon will eventually dedicate a department to it.

Employers Care About Your Facebook Page Way Less Than You Do

Caity Weaver · 03/27/12 08:45PM

The droning chorus of warnings about how prospective employers check your Facebook page so don't put up any pictures of you taking shots or holding up a convenience store and would you please unlike MaggieMoo's, it's embarrassing has grown particularly loud over the past few days.

Someone to Finally Pay Attention to the Millennials

Richard Lawson · 02/23/11 05:00PM

At long last young twentysomethings are getting a work of art all about them. Naturally MTV is the network to bravely take up the mantle. Also today: some truly scary movie casting, some somewhat less scary TV casting, and a discussion of the work of Chris Columbus.

VH1 Will No Longer Make the Worst Shows on Television

Adrian Chen · 04/19/10 01:46AM

Are you a member of "Gen Mix?" Are you 25-34? Do you "acquire your sense of optimism and self-confidence from Millennials, and your strong sense of self and security from Gen Xers?" VH1 has a new line-up just for you.