
Angry Birds: A Bang-Up Buzzfeed-Blumenthal Brawl

Hilary Sargent · 11/15/13 12:04PM

Angry Birds is a new feature in which ChartGirl's Hilary Sargent takes a look at the ruffled feathers in the latest Twitter flaps. Today's: labor journalist Mike Elk vs. Buzzfeed political reporter Rosie Gray, engaged in a feud over Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, his son Max, and Max's new book about Israel.

Always Bet on Me: Mitt Romney's Order to the Bosses of Wage Slaves

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/18/12 11:00AM

If you are a business owner, Mitt Romney has a message for you. Tell your employees that the future depends on voting for Mitt Romney. You can do that, legally. In fact, tell them—the people whose paychecks you sign—that their futures depend on it, too.