
Watch a Middle School Football Team's Stunning Trick Play

Matt Cherette · 11/07/10 10:46PM

Here's a video from a recent football game featuring the squad from Driscoll Middle School in Corpus Christi, Texas, pulling off what's arguably one of the most epic trick plays in teenage history. Watch the quarterback's insane, impressive stunt inside.

Middle School: Worthless

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/10 12:08PM

You probably remember your middle school years as a "golden age" when your horrible physical and emotional awkwardness resulted in frequent humiliation at the hands of early-maturing bullies. Surprisingly, researchers say middle school's not all it's cracked up to be.

Middle School Segregates Class Elections by Race (Updated)

Max Read · 08/26/10 08:02PM

Thinking about running for eighth grade class president at Mississippi's Nettleton Middle School? Are you white? Because only white kids can run for president. Black kids can be vice-president, though! But only black kids. Update: They changed the policy.