
Microsoft starts selling Office subscriptions through Circuit City

Nicholas Carlson · 07/02/08 11:00AM

Microsoft can't convince customers that they need the new version of Office anymore, so they'e begun to sell it as software-as-a-service, bundled with security software. "Security is basically the No. 1 thing that gets attached with a PC," said Microsoft group product manager Bryson Gordon. The product, code-named "Albany" and now known as Equipt, will cost PC buyers an extra $20 a year over the $49 per year price Microsoft charges for its OneCare antivirus software. Why don't they just let users download the software? That might seem easier, but retailers like Circuit City move a lot of Xboxes and Windows PCs, and the software giant can't afford to leave them grounded as computing moves to the cloud.

Source: Windows developers chafe under new boss Steven Sinofsky

Nicholas Carlson · 05/30/08 12:40PM

Who's the man responsible for cuts to internal spending at Microsoft? Here's a hint: he's feared, hated and respected by Windows developers: Steven Sinofsky, the SVP of Windows and Windows Live development, who's been mooted as a successor to Bill Gates. Sinofsky used to run Microsoft Office development, where he earned a reputation for "making the trains run on time." That landed him in charge of making sure fiascos like Vista never happen again. One problem, though.