
Meet The New N+1 T-Shirt Models!

Moe · 09/30/08 02:10PM

The highbrow low-pay publishing community has long suffered from a startling male-female attractiveness imbalance exemplified by the case of that American Apparel modeling Paris Review intern. I mean, if Jessica Roy was ever right about anything, it is that.* But for its work righting the prettiness gap perhaps we owe a debt of "gratitude" to the most important literary journal of our time, N+1, whose founding editors Keith Gessen and Benjamin Kunkel are not only decidedly conventionally attractive but extra reviled on the basis of that fact. And as the Observer noticed today, N+1 is now employing male contributor Wesley Yang (and his wavy hair I will refrain from calling a "mane") in the new capacity of T-shirt pitchman. Yang, you might recall if you are one of N+1's numerous readers, originally ascended to literary microfame in a piece in the last issue about how he related to Virginia Tech school shooter Seung Hui-Cho for feeling fundamentally "unlovable."Look, at some point I actually scanned in the good parts.

Rex Sorgatz Grows His Microcelebrity One B-Roll at a Time

Sheila · 09/03/08 12:53PM

Rexie! The nerdy Midwestern micro-celebrity "expert" and blogger who allegedly makes Tumblr girls (and the HuffPo's Rachel Sklar) weak in the knees has inexplicably grabbed yet another bit of micro-fame—he's in some b-roll for the local news in St. Paul, outside the Daily Show. What does the voice-over say about him? Just wait. (Bonus footage: the redhead is former Wonkette editor Anna Marie Cox.)