
NYT Wedding Column Namechecks Jilted Woman

Maureen O'Connor · 04/11/10 11:32AM

Micki Krimmel would be having a terrible day, but apparently she's the serene sort who gives her blessing to the trollop who steals her boyfriend, marries him, and gets an adorable write-up in the Times. I'd throttle that bitch. [NYT]

Vlog Hot: Glamazons Heat 2

Chris Mohney · 02/26/07 07:01PM

More glamazonia! Can't throw a rock without hitting some elaborate coiffes in this category; don't let the casual moppets fool you on some of these kids. Primpees include Brigitte Dale, Sara Gore, Micki Krimmel, Cecile Raubenheimer, and Maria Sansone. Lust away, and vote after the jump.

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