
Happy Birthday!

cityfile · 07/25/08 06:20AM

Happy 42nd, Christine Quinn! Other people around town celebrating today: Iman is 53, Mets pitcher Billy Wagner is 37, and restaurateur Geoffrey Zakarian is turning 49. Celebs celebrating this weekend: Kevin Spacey will be 49, Kate Beckinsale will turn 35, Mick Jagger will celebrate his 65th, and Sandra Bullock will be 44. Misshapes' Leigh Lezark will turn 24 tomorrow. Artist Tom Sachs will turn 42. Architect Hugh Hardy will be 76. On Sunday, Alex Rodriguez will turn 33. He shares his birthday with Taxi & Limousine commisioner Matthew Daus, hedge fund manager Timothy Barakett, and artist Dash Snow.

Book Of Celebrity Dicks Coming Soon (Probably In Hardcover)

Ryan Tate · 05/16/08 04:52AM

Obviously the forthcoming book Hollywood Babylon: It's Back is going to be the must-have ironic hipster book of the season, what with its collection of full-frontal shots of male celebrities like, allegedly, Mick Jagger, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ewan McGregor and, terrifyingly, John Malkovich. But in case you can't afford, or bring yourself, to buy the cock gawker for your coffee table, here are the Cliff's Notes:

The Easter Bunny No Longer Prime Suspect In Minnie Driver Baby Daddy Mystery, But Who Is?

Molly Friedman · 05/08/08 04:50PM

Thus far, Riches star Minnie Driver has given the public three wildly different answers to anyone inquiring who knocked up the card-carrying member of that annoyingly massive Celebrity-Slash-Singer subset. Among the potential baby daddies she's flung out into the media’s clutches? The Easter Bunny, musician Craig Zolezzi, and yes, God him or herself. And six months into her pregnancy, Driver has defiantly and coyly kept her lips sealed, until now. In a recent interview with the UK’s Independent, she finally released two very telling details: the guy is British, and "sort of in the same business." Our guesses lie after the jump, but we leave it to you, loyal Defamer readers, to solve the mystery:

STV · 05/06/08 06:55PM

Guardian reporter Sean Michaels has discovered a sort of epistolary parallel universe in which A Clockwork Orange is a late-'60s time capsule from hell: A recently unearthed letter from the period propositioned director John Schlesinger — presumably between his Oscar-winning films Darling and Midnight Cowboy — to helm the film with Mick Jagger in the lead. It gets better: The Beatles were reportedly interested in contributing songs. Alas, Schlesinger evidently had a problem with novelist Anthony Burgess's infamous ultraviolence; "the film's extreme delinquency wasn't 'the sort of subject I particularly want to tackle,' " the director told executive producer Si Litvinoff, thus opening the door for Stanley Kubrick's dystopic 1971 masterwork starring Malcolm McDowell. Michaels spends a few minutes fancying the alternate Jagger/Beatles version, but really, we'd rather not imagine this at all unless... no. Just no. Sorry we even brought it up. No. [The Guardian]

Mick Jagger, Keith Richards join geriatric1927 on YouTube

Jackson West · 04/04/08 02:20PM

In a transparent appeal to old folks, YouTube is kicking off a new "Living Legends" monthly series. First up? The creaky rockers from the Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who chimes in while sitting on the john, are taking questions from the audience — "especially the burning ones." So if you need advice on what brand of topical analgesic reduces hip-swagger-induced soreness, or the best hemorrhoid cream for transcontinental flights, now's your chance. Video after the jump.

Supportive Mick Jagger Publicly Recognizes Martin Scorsese's Struggles as Actor

STV · 03/31/08 01:55PM

Because our Sunday wouldn't have been the same without at least four hours committed to work, Defamer crashed yesterday's U.S. press conference for the new Martin Scorsese/Rolling Stones concert film Shine a Light. It's not half-bad for Stones or Scorsese fans, with a rangy set list and intoxicating camerawork that both might run a little long for the average viewer. Not easily starstruck, we nevertheless felt a mild succession of twinges upon the band and their director's entrance ("Holy shit, Keith Richards really does look like that," etc.), none more acute than when a Paramount publicist, clearly by accident, let us sneak a question in.

Britney Throws iPhone In Pool For The Best Reasons In The World

Ryan Tate · 03/03/08 04:49AM

Stoner Stone Stones Fellow Stone

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/08 11:11AM

Semi-coherent Rolling Stone Keith Richards gave a blockbuster interview to Uncut magazine in which he calls big-lipped pal Mick Jagger "a maniac," a "power freak," and "a bit vain." He also has some inspirational advice for the youngsters these days: "Lay off the dope." So says Keith Richards, ladies and gentlemen. From a regular band this might qualify as newsworthy infighting, but from the Stones, it's a safe guess that they talk worse than this to each other every day. I mean, look at how Keith treats his own fans:

Levitra Wisely Finds Model Who Appeals To Older Men Only

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/08 11:46AM

Jerry Hall, the former wife of Mick Jagger who once said "A woman needs to be a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom," is the new spokesperson for the erection-bestowing pill Levitra. Makes sense, because most men who would consider Jerry Hall to be a sex symbol are now of the age where some Levitra could come in handy. Hall herself needed another gig since her VH1 reality show "Kept," which consisted of her mulling over which of a dozen younger men would become her "boy toy," has been off the air since '05. And the eventual winner of the prize, official boy toy Seth Frye, won't be needing any Levitra; he said after the show, "I never even kissed Jerry. I wan't attracted to her at all. She was a little to old for me."

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Mick Jagger And David Crosby Trade Altamont Memories At The Grill

seth · 03/13/07 04:39PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week. We're not picky (note semi-regular guest star by Bai Ling), so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the most recent time you spotted the Bruckaneer rolling into the Grove.

Gossip Roundup: Raping Dakota Fanning Over The Coals

Emily Gould · 01/25/07 12:00PM
  • 'Hounddog,' the movie featuring Dakota Fanning's ostensibly cheeky, adorable rape scene, couldn't find a buyer at Sundance. Also, Roger Friedman complains that "There is no point that I can find to the child's rape." What, giving us all a chuckle isn't enough of a point? [FoxNews]

Remainders: Corrections, Old People, Economics, Hot Chicks at Indie Shows

Pareene · 10/03/05 05:00PM

• Paul Krugman shall run afoul of the new corrections policy yet again if he keeps this sort of talk up. [Chase Me Ladies]
• Attention girl in the yellow jacket: Craigslist is searching for you, and the Marines would like to recruit you. [ToTC]
• The true story behind the breakup of Paris & Paris: "Scrabble is hot." [Zulkey]
• American Apparel takes their '70s porn aesthetic and applies it to people who would've been old enough to purchase porn in the 1970's. Vague unease is an underutilized marketing tool. [Spunker]
• What the second-to-last correction here fails to explain is that while Mick Jagger did attend the London School of Economics, he actually studied Literature and History. [NYT]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 01/23/03 08:58AM

· Winona Ryder wants to keep the stuff she stole from Saks. [Page Six]
· Frank Rich is kicking NYT Arts & Leisure staff out of their office space. [Page Six]
· Former TW chief Jerry Levin spotted making out with his girlfriend in a Beverly Hills Saks after buying himself $12,000 worth of "young, hip" clothes. [Page Six]
· Insiders say Eliot Spitzer will be asked "Why don't you go after the crooked judges and politicians in Brooklyn the way you go after the analysts on Wall Street?" tonight at the Brooklyn Democratic County Committee meeting. The answer he won't give is "that the Brooklyn machine backed his candidacy." [Page Six]
· Nicole Kidman spotted making out with rapper Q-Tip at Nobu. [Page Six]
· Spielberg wants to do a movie on Abraham Lincoln. [Cindy Adams]
· Civil rights leader Roy Innis refers to Bloomberg as a "whupped freak" after the mayor snubs Innis's MLK day celebration in favor of Al Sharpton's; Mick Jagger's getting a diamond embedded into a tooth where an emerald used to be; and a confused Richard Gere thanks Harvey Weintraub instead of Harvey Weinstein. [NY Daily News]