
Michele Bachmann Suffers From 'Incapacitating' Migraines

Jim Newell · 07/19/11 11:50AM

America's favorite presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann, is the subject of what appears to be a hit piece today! Various former aides tell the Daily Caller that she suffers from "stress-induced medical episodes" that we on Planet Earth know as "migraines." But not just any migraines! Destructive, hospitalizing migraines that occur about once a week and can leave her "incapacitated" for days at a time. Ouch! Sounds miserable. But should it matter, for our electoral purposes?

Michele Bachmann's Gay Stepsister Attended Obama's Inauguration

Maureen O'Connor · 07/14/11 01:38PM

Years ago, Michele Bachmann's openly gay stepsister Helen LaFave protested at one of Michele's anti-gay rallies. Since then, Helen has kept a low profile, but she continues to support liberal politics: Salon's Natasha Lennard recently uncovered a video of Helen and long-term partner Nia Wronski attending Obama's 2009 presidential inauguration. The duo got their tickets "through one of the congresspeople" and drove for two days "with six family members."

Michele Bachmann's Devastating Command of Yiddish

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 11:10AM

God bless Michele Bachmann. Really, this is not a "slam" of her! It is just a funny video of her saying "chutzpah" with unusual aggression. CHOOTS-pah. CHOOTS-pah. You coastie snobs may laugh, but just try pronouncing a popular flappyhead Minnesota-Norwegian word. Try "pop." PAHEP. PAOYP. You can't do it. You can't!

Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: 'Gays Are Part of Satan'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/13/11 12:29AM

We know where Michele Bachmann stands on heterosexuality: She's very for it! At least according to the binding contract she recently signed with Jesus, in which marriage was explicitly defined as being "between one man and one woman." We also know where her husband, Marcus Bachmann, falls on the topic of homosexuality: He's firmly against it! So against, in fact, that he runs a small gay exorcism business, despite he himself being seemingly possessed by the demonic spirit of an off-duty drag queen named Big Mama. But where does Mrs. Bachmann stand on homosexuality?

Stephen Colbert Takes on Bachmann for Signing the Iowa 'Marriage Vow'

Matt Cherette · 07/12/11 11:20PM

Last week, GOP presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann signed a document called "The Marriage Vow" without realizing that it contained, among other things, offensive language about slavery. But as Stephen Colbert pointed out on tonight's Report, Bachmann's past makes it clear that she believes almost anything can be considered enslavement. Video of the segment is above.

Marcus Bachmann's Big Gay Mess

Richard Lawson · 07/12/11 02:43PM

As his congresswoman wife Michele continues to make progress in her terrifying death march toward Washington, Marcus Bachmann has become a focus of the ever-curious media, and the things we've found out about him have been a bit unsettling, like the fact that he runs one of those pray-the-gay-away facilities.

Michele Bachmann Is First To Sign Iowa's Delightful 'Marriage Vow'

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 11:17AM

An Iowa organization called The Family Leader has drawn up an extremely well detailed pledge for the Republican presidential candidates to sign called "The Marriage Vow." According to the group's CEO, the new pledge is "vitally necessary because the sanctity of marriage is in crisis and leadership is desperately needed." And now Michele Bachmann has become the first candidate to sign it! So what's in this beaut of a pledge?

David Letterman's Advice for Michele Bachmann

Matt Cherette · 06/28/11 04:29AM

Michele Bachmann officially launched her presidential campaign yesterday in Waterloo, Iowa by accidentally comparing herself to John Wayne Gacy, the infamous gay rapist clown serial killer from the '70s. How serious was Bachmann's gaffe? According to David Letterman, who spent four minutes on Monday's Late Show obsessing over it before giving Bachmann a rambling bit of unsolicited campaign advice, very serious!

Bachmann Compares Self to Gay Rapist Clown Serial Killer

Maureen O'Connor · 06/27/11 01:41PM

Kicking off her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, Michele Bachmann explained the geographic significance to Fox News: "Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."

Michele Bachmann Launches Presidential Campaign

Jim Newell · 06/27/11 11:48AM

We never thought we'd see the day. But sure enough, here's Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, clad in her most confidently shiny suit, officially launching her presidential campaign in her native town of Waterloo, Iowa today. Will she be our new, shiny president come January 2013? If it can't be Donald Trump, then sure, this'll do.

'Crazy Eyes' Bachmann to Pen Memoir

John Cook · 06/16/11 03:45PM

Republican presidential candidate and history buff Michele Bachmann has signed a deal with Penguin Group USA to write a memoir. It will be called America of Heart or Rogueish Goer or My Father's Flag or The Coming Battle With the Mormon Horde or somesuch and come out this fall, roughly one year before her election as 45th president of the United States.